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'The Night of the Rabbit' to be released on May 29

Edited as of Sat 8 Jun 2013 - 11:31
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The Night of the Rabbit box artThe Night of the Rabbit, an upcoming release by German game developer Daedalic Entertainment, tells the story of Jerry Hazelnut, a twelve-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a wizard.

As his summer vacation winds down, Jerry meets the Marquis de Hoto, a magical anthropomorphic rabbit in a snappy suit. He offers to take Jerry on as an apprentice and to teach him the ways of the Treewalkers, who use a special type of magic to conjure up portals and travel between worlds. As a demonstration, de Hoto leads his apprentice through a tree portal into Mousewood, a peaceful world inhabited by anthro mice, squirrels, and other critters, which acts as a hub to reach further worlds.

The game has hand-drawn 2D graphics, and its interface is a simple point-and-click affair, with puzzles solved by using items in your inventory or selecting options from a dialogue tree. Its developer, Jan Müller-Michaelis (also known as Poki), was inspired by the story of Alice in Wonderland, and the possibility that the White Rabbit deliberately lured Alice to follow him.

The Night of the Rabbit will be released on May 29, in English and German-language versions.


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I don't play video games, but it sounds like this one has good graphics.

Fred Patten

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The same company had an earlier game called The Whispered World that I played a few years ago. I had to consult a walkthrough a whole bunch of times and I wish the main voice actor had been different, but overall they put a lot of effort into it and the graphics for it were excellent. So I have a good vibe about the visual design of this one! Even if its furry characters end up being secondary, I'll definitely be checking it out.

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it should be a book, not a 2D PAC game... :\
germans have good ideas, but the implementation...

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Would agree here. The only difference between a 2D PAC game and a book is that the former hinders your story progression with annoying and most times non-nonsensical puzzles.

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Well, it depends on the implementation. If the game's really badly designed and non-intuitive, I'm with you all the way. A well-designed implementation still might have a point or two of head-scratching, but (for me anyway) is a joy to play. The quality of most PACs end up somewhere in the vague middle area, where the enjoyment-vs-frustration balance depends a lot on the indivual player.

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They do what they love. Deadalic, in this case, seems to have the financial independence to present their ideas in the way the choose to present them. A graphical novel would be a welcome bonus, but frankly: especially after LucasArts got closed down, it is uplifting to see that a few teams (I'd count Telltale and Deadalic at the moment) still hold the "Adventure"-flag up with quite clever games.

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I agree with the others - it depends on the implementation. I have played the occasional PAC, and they can really get boring after a while, unless they have a fantastic storyline.

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