ConFuzzled donates £6,200 after £2,000 bid for tablecloth
UK furry convention ConFuzzled 2010 went out in style this weekend, raising £6,200 for the Wildlife Heritage Foundation.
The final auction item was a piece of tablecloth art by guest of honour TaniDaReal. Starting at £50, the price rose swiftly, fueled by a bidding war between ConFuzzled staff member Colifox and U.S. fur Beshon, ending only with the latter's bid of £2,000 (US$2,962).
The piece came from TaniDaReal's dealer's table, and was sold after selling everything else on the table.
Also of note was the right to feed big cats in a private reserve, won by Kivuli for £550 ($814). The reported auction total was £7,789 ($11,650) [Alex Grey/FurteanTimes], of which £5,248 was for charity.
In total, the convention raised £6,200 ($9,200). Those submitting works to the auction could choose the percentage going to charity – the tablecloth was 100%. Additional money was brought in from dealers table payments and charity-provided dealer goods.
The event attracted 346 furs from seventeen countries in its first year at a hotel, nearly double last year's total of 182.
ConFuzzled donated £1,610 in 2008 and £2,000 in 2009. In total, furry conventions raised nearly half a million dollars for charity over 2000-2009.
Update 2 (18 May): Added recalculation of charity totals from ConFuzzled treasurer Nall.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
I envy people who have that kind of money to spend on stuff. At least it's going to a good cause, though!
I know some furries love animals, but really, paying 550£ to be fed to big cats is quite extremist.
Sadly, it's not the first case in which furries have done silly things in order to be consumed by others.
I'm lost, how did someone pay to be fed to big cats?
"Also of note was the right to feed big cats in a private reserve, won by Kivuli for £550 ($814)." Looks like to me they just wanted the chance to feed the cats, not be fed to them. Am I missing something here?
I believe Issarlk was having a little fun with the ambiguity of the English language.
Would be a great funeral option, though!
I missed the auction, I was talking and boozing, I think. XD
It's fun to think that all the people tweeting about the table cloth, caused two fail whales.
SDF of Blitzcoder
I missed the auction because of sleeping and talking, but it was worth it to not know anything until I was in front of two dozen people attempting to guess the figure we sold the Tanicloth for. XD It was just a quiet little idea from Twll and the den after her table sold up; Matt and I asked the hotel, they said yes, nobody had any idea where this was going to lead...
A most epic convention. Although it was my first furcon, so I'm no expert. ^.^ Nonetheless; roll on 2011!
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