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Episode 49---Ursa Major Awards - Woyro talks about the upcoming Usra Major awards to be given out at Morphion in May. Also stories about Glowing Cats and Super Mice.
Woyro talks about the upcoming Usra Major awards to be given out at Morphion in May. Also stories about Glowing Cats and Super Mice.
Episode 49---Ursa Major Awards - Woyro talks about the upcoming Usra Major awards to be given out at Morphion in May. Also stories about Glowing Cats and Super Mice.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 48---Plans for the New Year and GAY WORMS - Woyro talks about show plans for the New Year and does a story about Gay Worms!!!
Woyro talks about show plans for the New Year and does a story about Gay Worms!!!
Episode 48---Plans for the New Year and GAY WORMS - Woyro talks about show plans for the New Year and does a story about Gay Worms!!!
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 47---Convention plans for 2008 - Woyro talks about his convention plans for 2008 and also talks about Pubic Lice!
Woyro talks about his convention plans for 2008 and also talks about Pubic Lice!
Episode 47---Convention plans for 2008 - Woyro talks about his convention plans for 2008 and also talks about Pubic Lice!
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 46---Hybernation, Convention news and other stuff - Woyro talks about convention planning and upcoming plans for Woyro's Warren during the new year.
Woyro talks about convention planning and upcoming plans for Woyro's Warren during the new year.
Episode 46---Hybernation, Convention news and other stuff - Woyro talks about convention planning and upcoming plans for Woyro's Warren during the new year.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 45---MFF pt 2 - Woyro wraps up his talk about MFF. also talks about dieting and a weird animal story.
Woyro wraps up his talk about MFF. also talks about dieting and a weird animal story.
Episode 45---MFF pt 2 - Woyro wraps up his talk about MFF. also talks about dieting and a weird animal story.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 44--Live from Midwest Fur Fest! - Woyro does his show live from the Atrium at Midwest Fur Fest in Schaumburg on Saturday afternoon, the 17th of September at 1pm.
Woyro does his show live from the Atrium at Midwest Fur Fest in Schaumburg on Saturday afternoon, the 17th of September at 1pm.
Episode 44--Live from Midwest Fur Fest! - Woyro does his show live from the Atrium at Midwest Fur Fest in Schaumburg on Saturday afternoon, the 17th of September at 1pm.
Categories: Podcasts
WAFB Baton Rouge Furry Bashing
Categories: Videos
Episode 43--World Fantasy Con and Midwest Furfest - Woyro talks about going to the World Fantasy convention in Saratoga Springs and about the upcoming Midwest FurFest. There is also a mild rant about a…
Woyro talks about going to the World Fantasy convention in Saratoga Springs and about the upcoming Midwest FurFest. There is also a mild rant about a couple of stupid people he saw on TV.
Episode 43--World Fantasy Con and Midwest Furfest - Woyro talks about going to the World Fantasy convention in Saratoga Springs and about the upcoming Midwest FurFest. There is also a mild rant about a…
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 42--Furry Meta-Art - Woyro talks about an interview with artist Jay Van Buren and about upcoming conventions and events.
Woyro talks about an interview with artist Jay Van Buren and about upcoming conventions and events.
Episode 42--Furry Meta-Art - Woyro talks about an interview with artist Jay Van Buren and about upcoming conventions and events.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 41--Furry News! - Woyro talks about lots of furry news and about his busy weekend
Woyro talks about lots of furry news and about his busy weekend
Episode 41--Furry News! - Woyro talks about lots of furry news and about his busy weekend
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 40--Anthrocon Rooms and Fursuit Portraits - Woyro chats about his past week, including his new computer and a furry party. also, news on booking your room for Anthrocon and a Fursuit Portrait…
Woyro chats about his past week, including his new computer and a furry party. also, news on booking your room for Anthrocon and a Fursuit Portrait Project by Jay VanBuren.
Episode 40--Anthrocon Rooms and Fursuit Portraits - Woyro chats about his past week, including his new computer and a furry party. also, news on booking your room for Anthrocon and a Fursuit Portrait…
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 39--More Convention planning - Woyro talks about his appearance on the Skunk Smells Podcast, a get-well wish to Soron and talk of convention planning.
Woyro talks about his appearance on the Skunk Smells Podcast, a get-well wish to Soron and talk of convention planning.
Episode 39--More Convention planning - Woyro talks about his appearance on the Skunk Smells Podcast, a get-well wish to Soron and talk of convention planning.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 38--News and Music - Woyro talks about upcomming cons, a play he went to see and he plays a song by Tom Smith called "Cat Macros".
Woyro talks about upcomming cons, a play he went to see and he plays a song by Tom Smith called "Cat Macros".
Episode 38--News and Music - Woyro talks about upcomming cons, a play he went to see and he plays a song by Tom Smith called "Cat Macros".
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 37--More on MFM 11 and lazy stuff around the house - Woyro talks more about Mephit Furmeet 11 and having a lazy weekend around the old warren.
Woyro talks more about Mephit Furmeet 11 and having a lazy weekend around the old warren.
Episode 37--More on MFM 11 and lazy stuff around the house - Woyro talks more about Mephit Furmeet 11 and having a lazy weekend around the old warren.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 36---MFM pt 3...more about the zoo...and FISH - Woyro takes the show outside again (because it was such a nice day). he talks about another incident at the Memphis Zoo and also about 2 fishy…
Woyro takes the show outside again (because it was such a nice day). he talks about another incident at the Memphis Zoo and also about 2 fishy events. one involving sushi and one with a penguin and a mermaid.
Episode 36---MFM pt 3...more about the zoo...and FISH - Woyro takes the show outside again (because it was such a nice day). he talks about another incident at the Memphis Zoo and also about 2 fishy…
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 35--MFM part 2 - Woyro talks more about his experiences at Mephit Furmeet 11 in Memphis, TN
Woyro talks more about his experiences at Mephit Furmeet 11 in Memphis, TN
Episode 35--MFM part 2 - Woyro talks more about his experiences at Mephit Furmeet 11 in Memphis, TN
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 34--Mephit Furmeet pt 1 - Woyro starts his convention report on Mephit Furmeet in Memphis, TN.
Woyro starts his convention report on Mephit Furmeet in Memphis, TN.
Episode 34--Mephit Furmeet pt 1 - Woyro starts his convention report on Mephit Furmeet in Memphis, TN.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 33--Prepping for MFM - Woyro talks about lots of upcomming furry cons. Also, his preparations for Mephit Furmeet.
Woyro talks about lots of upcomming furry cons. Also, his preparations for Mephit Furmeet.
Episode 33--Prepping for MFM - Woyro talks about lots of upcomming furry cons. Also, his preparations for Mephit Furmeet.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 32--More on FA:United, pt 2 - Woyro talks more on FA:United con from last week.
Woyro talks more on FA:United con from last week.
Episode 32--More on FA:United, pt 2 - Woyro talks more on FA:United con from last week.
Categories: Podcasts
Episode 31--Live from FA:United, Pt 1 - Woyro takes his portable warren to Newark, NJ for the first FA:United convention.
Woyro takes his portable warren to Newark, NJ for the first FA:United convention.
Episode 31--Live from FA:United, Pt 1 - Woyro takes his portable warren to Newark, NJ for the first FA:United convention.
Categories: Podcasts