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FC-33 Fox Academy - A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.

FurCast - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 23:59

A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.

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News (Article – URL): Announcements (Provided by
  • March 11th to 13th Furnal Equinox
  • March 17th to 21st Furry Weekend Atlanta
  • April 8th to 10th Furry Connection North
  • April 15th to 17th I-CON (Sci-Fantasy Conv.)
  • April 21st to 25th Wild Nights
  • April 28th to 1st Mephit Mini Con
WikiFur article of the week:
  • “Therian”
Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):
  • “Anthropomorphism in Video Games?”
  • “Fursuiters. Talking in suits. Breaking the magic or making it real?”
  • “Top 10 Furry Conventions”
Emails (Sender – Subject):
  • Lily the fox – “hey”
  • Jak Shim – “An update and another question”
  • Anonymous – “Furries at school”
  • Aves Sakkri’Du’Ono Sinarael – “helo this is my first time emailing”
  • Zayne Wulf – “no subject”
  • WiseNDeadly – “no subject”
  • Anonymous – “Confused fox”
  • Anonymous – “The heat of fursuits”
  • Landon Ookami – “numb feeling”
  • FuzzFox – “Relationship Experience & Advice Required”
FC-33 Fox Academy - A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-33 Fox Academy - A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.

FurCast - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 23:59

A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)

News (Article – URL):

  • Cougar Extinction

  • Tails WebComic

Announcements (Provided by

  • March 11th to 13th Furnal Equinox
  • March 17th to 21st Furry Weekend Atlanta
  • April 8th to 10th Furry Connection North
  • April 15th to 17th I-CON (Sci-Fantasy Conv.)
  • April 21st to 25th Wild Nights
  • April 28th to 1st Mephit Mini Con

WikiFur article of the week:

  • “Therian”

Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):

  • “Anthropomorphism in Video Games?”
  • “Fursuiters. Talking in suits. Breaking the magic or making it real?”
  • “Top 10 Furry Conventions”

Emails (Sender – Subject):

  • Lily the fox – “hey”
  • Jak Shim – “An update and another question”
  • Anonymous – “Furries at school”
  • Aves Sakkri’Du’Ono Sinarael – “helo this is my first time emailing”
  • Zayne Wulf – “no subject”
  • WiseNDeadly – “no subject”
  • Anonymous – “Confused fox”
  • Anonymous – “The heat of fursuits”
  • Landon Ookami – “numb feeling”
  • FuzzFox – “Relationship Experience & Advice Required”


FC-33 Fox Academy - A first of a new system. Tried, and succeeded, we relax for the second half of the show as we take on some more emails. A great trial, a few bugs, fixing them on our to-do list. Can’t wait for next week.
Categories: Podcasts

Artist Alley III (MFF 2010)

Furry News Network - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 17:17

By: CraftyAndy

RottenEggCreations-ArtistAlleyIIIMFF2010339-226Music “Dragonfly” by Mr Meeble
Featured artist


Morning Grey

Hobbes Maxwell


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Natalie Portman, feeling feathery! - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 13:45
A compilation of CGI/SFX shots from the current acclaimed movie Black
Swan, in which ballerina Natalie Portman takes her lead role in Swan
Lake WAY too seriously... ;-)
Categories: News

Episode 132 - Just As Planned

Southpaws - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 11:12
This week on Knotcast, everyone is in town and not ill, so we catch up on things post-Furry Fiesta. We give con reports, get asked about My Little Pony, have some relationship algebra, and get some gratuitous fanwank for Fuzz. It's a pretty chill week here on Knotcast. This weeks songs are the opening 2 tracks of the new OCRemix album - Pokemon: The Missingno Tracks Game on! by Fishy Mighty Mighty Pokemon by Level 99 Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 132 - Just As Planned
Categories: Podcasts

Owners of Fur Affinity, FurBuy clash over auctions

Furry News Network - Sat 12 Mar 2011 - 01:54

Author: Sonious

The furry marketplace heated up today as FurBuy owner Jurann was “permanently banned” from Fur Affinity for “false threats against users holding auctions on FA instead of furbuy” and “disruption of the community, drama starting and interference with user transactions.”

FA’s Dragoneer gave his opinion of Jurann’s attempts to pressure artists into using FurBuy:

Frankly, I’m sick of Jurann constantly threatening users, encouraging them to “Go to Furbuy…or else!”

In response, Jurann said Dragoneer “[took his] legal advice as a threat,” while maintaining that FTC auction guidelines apply to Fur Affinity:

It’s a simple fact that there ARE rules and guidelines, and they are quite clearly not being followed on FA at present.

read more

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

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Awkward Stock Photos, indeed.

Furry Reddit - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 21:43
Categories: News

Artist Alley II (MFF 2010)

Furry News Network - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 17:14

By: CraftyAndy

RottenEggCreations-ArtistAlleyIMFF2010921-777Music “Fine” by Mr Meeble
Featured Artists
Grave Walker
Music used with permission.

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Goldy goes down after weekend fan assault

Furry News Network - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 16:59

An irritated fan punched Goldy Gopher in the face during a men’s gymnastics meet Saturday night at the Sports Pavilion.

During the meet, the University of Minnesota mascot sat behind Douglas Dokken, 60, and started “messing with him,” witness Barry Colthorpe said. Goldy tapped Dokken on the shoulder and ruffled his hair.

Colthorpe said Dokken was ignoring Goldy’s antics, but within a couple of minutes, he snapped, turned around and punched Goldy in the face.

Goldy froze, but within moments of the first punch, Dokken wailed another, forcing Goldy to leave the area.

“I think it was clearly amusing — it’s not something you see every day,” Colthrope, 27, said. “It was just two people fighting, but if one of them is dressed up as a 7-foot gopher, then it’s pretty amusing.”


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New Web Comic ‘The Tail’ strives to push Furry mainstream

Furry News Network - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 16:48

Hyrax Productions new web comic “The Tail” is about a young Chirran named Ayan, born with no tail, living in a society where your tail is your status symbol. Marked with shame, he and his family are servants and surfs to a noble house within the land. Ayan decides to break with this life and tries to become a knight. When this fails, it leads him to meet Mieu Notra, the Blue Maiden. The girl awakens something within Ayan, and from then on, for better of for worse, their fates are intertwined in a web of love, betrayal, and redemption.

It is with this story line that Al Romero and Hyrax Productions hopes you will become engrossed with Ayan’s story, and that it will become a mainstream hit.

“Furry” is a genre, sub-genre (whatever) that is often looked upon as being on the fringe. Content that is furry tends to hover around two extremes; extremely cute and neuter, or extremely sexualized and containing strong themes of sexual identity, particularly of an off-beat nature. Both extremes are trivialized by the mainstream. “The Tail” is a web comic that attempts to bridge the gap between the off-beat appeal of furry culture, and solid, entertaining story telling that is crucial for mainstream acceptance. — By Hyrax Productions

It will be interesting to see how the mainstream audiance accepts this comic. Ayan, we wish you good luck.

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Eva Braun and the Furries

Furry News Network - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 16:04

Eva Braun and friends in the Bavarian Alps, Germany, 1935.

Via Boing Boing
By: Xeni Jardin

Ben Cosgrove at LIFE Magazine writes, “Recently released photographs — all of them rare, some of them unseen for decades — from Eva Braun’s personal photo albums provide a window into an era and a culture that feels light years away, and creepily, even intimately familiar.”

The one where she’s doing Urdhva Dhanurasana nazi yoga by the lake near Hitler’s mountaintop hideaway freaks me out. And the one where she’s in blackface as Al Jolson. And then there’s this one with a dude in a bear wolf suit, 1935.

Here’s the complete photo gallery (in Flash, alas).

(Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images, courtesy LIFE)

Who was Eva Braun?

Eva Anna Paula Hitler née Braun (6 February 1912 – 30 April 1945) was the longtime companion of Adolf Hitler and for less than 40 hours, his wife.


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Oh My!

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 07:00

Hermes Press have announced they are now the new publishers of Mike Bullock and Michael Metcalf’s well-known (and well-loved) comic book series Lions, Tigers, and Bears. The long-awaited full-color Volume 3 graphic novel is available now in softcover.  This is from their press release: “Mike Bullock’s internationally acclaimed, best selling title has a new home with Hermes Press! The long awaited Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Volume 3 arrives in stores March, 2011. ‘Lions, Tigers, and Bears is a remarkable title, with memorable characters, an enchanting concept, and beautiful artwork,’ observed Hermes Press’ Publisher, Dan Herman. ‘We’re really excited about releasing all new adventures of Joey, Courtney, Ares, Venus, Pallo and Minerva as a graphic novel.’” For those who haven’t found it yet, Lions, Tigers, and Bears is the story of a group of kids who discover that their stuffed animal toys have the ability to come to life — as rather large animals — to protect the children in their care from an invasion of other-worldly demons.

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Animals United trailer

Furry Reddit - Fri 11 Mar 2011 - 04:11
Categories: News

Georgia Furs Stone Summit Meet

Furry News Network - Thu 10 Mar 2011 - 21:16

On a cold Saturday night, a group of intrepid furries set out on an adventure. They stepped into their harnesses, secured their ropes and chalked their paws and set out to climb. The goal; conquer Stone Summit!

Twenty five came to the event, including a few of the board members from Furry Weekend Atlanta. Fursuiting was welcomed. The event space was shared with Stone Summit’s youth program who were having a shut in for the evening.

Georgia Furs has had a long standing Tuesday night furmeet. Starting with the Stone Summit event, they are moving from that format to one large Furmeet event a month, along with a “dinner club” on Tuesday nights that will move from restaurant to restaurant.

Local furs are encouraged to get involved. Visitors from out of town are always welcomed! If you are planning on showing for either the monthly event or the Tuesday dinner club events, you are encouraged to RSVP so they can let the facility that will be hosting the event know how many to expect. There are times when the Georgia Furs meet has had over 50 in attendance and overwhelmed the restaurant that they were meeting at.

If you are interested in finding out more, or want to see what event is coming up next, you can go to the Georgia Furs website.

The following video and photos are highlights from the event.

stonesmt1 stonesmt3 stonesmt4 stonesmt5 stonesmt6 stonesmt8 stonesmt9 stonsmt2 stonesmt10

Images by

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UK Furs get some publicity

Furry Reddit - Thu 10 Mar 2011 - 18:10
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The Fantastic Mr. Star Fox

Furry News Network - Thu 10 Mar 2011 - 17:49

If you are a fan of “The Fantastic Mr. Fox”, and a lover of the video game Star Fox, you’ll never hear “Do a barrel roll” the same ever again…

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. by-nc-sa

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Artist Alley I (MFF 2010)

Furry News Network - Thu 10 Mar 2011 - 17:11

By: CraftyAndy

RottenEggCreations-ArtistAlleyIMFF2010802-801Be sure to let them know who sent you their way.Music by Mr Meeble ;
Featured Artists



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Categories: News

A drug that could make you grow sensory whiskers (and penis spines)

Furry News Network - Thu 10 Mar 2011 - 17:03

Only a few molecules separate you from having sensory whiskers and a penis spine. That’s right – evolution has cheated you out of those whiskers that make your cat a super-sensor and the spines that, well, make your penis super-sensitive. A study published today in Nature reveals that human DNA still bears traces of genes that could, if tinkered with slightly, cause the next generation of Homo sapiens to have new sensory organs. And penis spines. How would that work?

Read more at io9:  Mad Science

Thanks to @chipfoxx for the tip

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Categories: News