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Outer Space from the Ground, Up

Edited as of Fri 28 Jul 2023 - 00:45
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Underground Oracle Publishing got in touch with us about Wyld Space, a new tabletop RPG they are producing. According to them, “Wyld Space is a high-adventure sci-fi setting where you take on the role of wylds fighting back against a corrupt government and the megacorps controlling them in the distant reaches of space.” We’ll let Jess Pendley of UOP explain where they’re at now: “The way our publishing model works, is we release a developing early-access pdf that we update each month with additional materials for our supporters over a six-month cycle, then we crowdfund production of the shelf-ready version of the book to sell on storefronts. During the production cycle, we provide our patrons with exclusive playtest and feedback surveys, so they have a real impact on the setting before it hits the shelves. Each of our early access pdfs contains all of the rules that you need to play (using the Cypher System), so they don’t require owning any additional books.” Got that? Currently they have not one but two special Patreon drives for Wyld Space in progress.

image c. 2023 Underground Oracle Publishing


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.