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Fly, Little Pre-Bird

Edited as of 12:45
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This showed up recently at Animation World Network: “No Fat Ego’s Niels Juul has teamed with Sherman Theatrical Entertainment to adapt Inkas the Ramferinkas into an animated musical. The film, which follows a small flying dinosaur, pulls from a decades-long project from the Sherman Brothers, best known for their musical contributions to multiple Disney classics, including The Jungle Book and Mary Poppins. The upcoming film marks the only musical from the late Robert B. Sherman and his brother Richard M. Sherman. Before teaming with Disney, the brothers were focused on adapting Inkas, which began as a children’s record from 1951, into a film. In the mid-2000s, Robert’s son Robbie optioned the rights to the Inkas IP and worked with his father and uncle to pen a feature-length script.” The project has been on hold since 2008, but it’s back in production now. No release date yet, but we’ll let you know more when we do!

image c. 2023 No Fat Ego


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.