Good Furry Awards Live Presentation at BLFC
The 4th Annual Good Furry Awards will be presented live for the first time on June 3 at Reno's Biggest Little Fur Con. The first three years of the awards were all done online, but the administrator of the awards, Grubbs Grizzly, felt it would be fun to do a live show this year.
The brief ceremony will be in the Ruby Room at 5pm on Friday night at the con. It will also be broadcast live on the Bearly Furcasting podcast.
This year there will also be a new Lifetime Achievement Award! This special award is selected by Uncle Bear Publishing and is in addition to our regular awards.
You can learn more by visiting the Ask Papabear website at

About the author
Grubbs Grizzly — read stories — contact (login required)a self-employed writer and editor and grizzly bear from CA, interested in fursuiting, wildlife, writing and art
Born in 1965, I've been a furry since I was a little kid pretending to be a wolf from The Jungle Book (the book, not the film) or Chip from Chip and Dale. I discovered furries in the late 1980s when I stumbled on FurNation, but I didn't really start to get active until the 21st century, and, when I discovered my bear nature, started to get REALLY active, founding the BearFurries group on Yahoo, getting a fursuit from Beastcub in 2011, and writing the Ask Papabear column.
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