Katzenberg; the Horsepower Behind "Spirit"
Posted by Crassus on Thu 23 May 2002 - 08:02
CNN reports in a promotional article about the upcoming Dreamworks SKG animated feature "Spirit", Jeffrey Katzenberg is one of the major motivational pushers of the movie, based on his love for horses.The article mentions he was also some of the influence behind Beauty & the Beast and Shrek. Looks like we got a furry enthusiast in high places!
Personally, my favorite quote from the article: "'It's not the technology,' he says. 'It's the story, not the medium.'" Disney might want to listen to that before shoving its 2D team exclusively into creating tons of 2nd rate direct-to-video features.

About the author
Crassus — read stories — contact (login required)a web designer from Southern California, interested in furries, tail designing, art, music and sociology
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