Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - July 2021
Welcome to the July edition of Digging Up Positivity! This month we announce the Art & Biro winners at the end of the video. And of course we are covering charities, more positive news, and our featurette for this month is not just drawing awesome comics like Simon and Freddy, but is an esteemed teacher as well: Hukley.
This month we started out strong with Anthrocon. Raising a whooping $25,000 for Wildlife Works. While this year was still a virtual convention, they managed to have a lovely dance competition, online workshops, and much more. But in 2022 they will return to being a classic convention in Pittsburgh, USA.
Ramcom V3
Ramcon had their third installment of their online convention with the amazing ‘Dinosaur Island Vacation’ theme and raised $197.27 for the Save A Fox rescue. An organization devoted to rescue foxes that are born in captivity, to see that they are spayed, neutered, and provided all the necessary veterinary needs and tend to their care and socialization to prepare them to live happy lives in knowledgeable forever homes.
Brazil FurFest
The furry place to visit in South America, Brazil FurFest, raised over $5,000 for S.O.S. Vidapet at their online convention. This organization is dedicated to helping neglected and abandoned animals. Next year's Brazil FurFest will return in their classic form at the Sheraton Santos Hotel in Los Santos!
In the Netherlands, Leon The Fox managed to raise $3,175 during one of his charity streams for ExtraLife, an initiative by the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a network of 170 hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the US and Canada.
Chicken run
Recently I bumped into an article in a local Dutch newspaper where one of our local furs was really going the extra mile for a chicken. I had the pleasure of talking with her on the phone:
[Interview with Iris]
JohnS C.S
One of the more interesting chiptune artists that also happens to appear in the outro of the show, well, at least his music, is John C.S. He has worked on various awesome video edits and musical projects within the fandom like ‘Forever’ a furry album for the Spanish Furry Animo for their 5th anniversary. One of his main drives is to
let people work together, so that we can blossom as a beautiful community.
Currently he is working on ‘Don’t Give Up’, which will be an inspiring album for those who are going through a rough time. Expect more news regarding this wonderful project in the upcoming episodes.
BML2021: Beastars
On BML2021, a big convention in China, Yanwu Dahu and others performed a wonderful show around the openings theme of Beastars. And seeing the response of the crowd, the popularity stretches well beyond the borders of our fandom.
Turning Red
Growing up can be very tough, especially if you have a Karen for a mother. But what if on top of all your problems, you turn into a giant Red Panda if you are excited or stressed? Domee Shi, who won an Oscar for the Pixar short Bao took this concept and made a movie out of it. Another fun little fact that some noticed in the trailer, is that one character having a continuous glucose monitor, often known as a CGM on their arm. And a few seconds later you can see her wearing a purple insulin pump. These are commonly used for type 1 diabetes.
A lot of people who are in this situation and organizations who handle these situations, were delighted to see themselves represented in the film.
GFTV 7 years
Behind the scenes I am honoured to be able to share resources with Global Furry Television, lead by Pawsry. In May we had him on the show, and this month GFTV has turned 7! While GFTV started out in a different form, they kinda changed through the years, and slowly turned into what it is today. Congratulations Pawsry, to both you and your team, and onwards to the magical number 10!
And now for our featurette, Score Chaser and Hukley, you both have the stage:
[Featurette Interview]
Thank you both for being on the show!
Last month we covered Art & Biro, the hardcover comic by Paco Panda from his very successful Kickstarter and we said we were going to give two away. So I noted down all the names who wanted one and drew 2 names through Google'a random number generator: Wan Tjhen and Mieno’s Adventures.
Please do use the contact form listed in the description or email me so I can verify your identity and send your address to Paco Panda who will take it from there. You both can respond before the airing of the next episode to claim your book.
Now, thank you kindly for sticking with us till the very end, and I would especially thank my sponsors from both
Patreon and Subscribestar for making this possible (or at least a lot easier): Cosmik with a K, Els Deckers, Falconeo, Hanzana, Ishnula, Kitako, Tantroo McNally, Taross, and Score Chaser
I am happy to announce we have new Thabo Meerkat merchandise at the Artwork Tee shop. We will return on the August 28th, thank you all so much, and of course, all the hugs!

About the author
Pegla (Danny) — read stories — contact (login required)a designer and Skunk from Hilversum, interested in stuff
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