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Along Comes ANOTHER Pony

Edited as of 03:45
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We’re already finding out more and more about new animated TV series to be looking for as we go galloping into 2020. Series like… It’s Pony, premiering later this month on Nickelodeon. “The 20-episode series follows the comedic adventures of Annie and her best friend, who just so happens to be an enthusiastic, unpredictable, and carefree pony… The series stars Jessica DiCicco (Adventure Time) as Annie, an optimistic and determined farm girl living in the city with her family and best friend Pony; Josh Zuckerman (Strange Angel) as Pony, who is naïve and impulsive, but loves Annie more than anything; Abe Benrubi (E.R.) as Dad, who treats Pony as a nuisance, but recognizes the special bond he shares with Annie; and India de Beaufort (All Hail King Julien) as Mom, who loves Annie and Pony’s relationship and always has a new project in the works.” Animation Scoop has a preview video to check out. [And with that — we wish you a Happy, Safe, and Very Furry New Year!]

image c. 2019 Nickelodeon


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.