Apatetic officals, lack of resources, render wildlife trafficing laws impotent
So, you find a man selling an ocelot in the capital of Bolivia. You confiscate what turns out to be a highly abused animal, alert the Forestry Police, only to find he was let off with no charges because they can't be bothered going through the long and expensive process of bringing him to court.
That's the story, and officals are just throwing up their hands and saying 'we can't be bothered' when it comes to preventing people from removing animals from the wild to keep or sell.
Theoretically Bolivia has been signed on with CITES since the 70's, and outlawed trade in wild animals internally since the 90's, but in practice, there is little indication of these laws. It's usual for people in the country to have pet parrots or monkeys, or to hunt local wildlife, so most people don't see the problem with selling or hunting these endangered animals.

About the author
MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Skunk from Toronto, ON, interested in writting, art, classic cars and animals
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