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September 2014 Newsbytes archive

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Contributors this month included bastett, crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, Patch Packrat, Poetigress and Rakuen Growlithe.

Fred: Two-headed snake is captured, examined in Turkey.

Fred: Ings Luxury Cat Hotel in England.

Patch Packrat: From counterculture to furry: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 1.

Fred: The most beautiful bugs?

GreenReaper: Caged seeds are no match for cockatoos' tool-making ability - and now they're teaching others.

GreenReaper: Meanwhile, an Indian monkey steals the wages of the poor to give to rich tourists.

Fred: Kill a dog; go to jail.

earthfurst: Kickstarter for FREE chibi ref sheet DIY template by Kylie Mart (Roo). Ends Sep 9 & $41 pledged of $300 goal.

Fred: Warner Bros. is developing Acme, a combo live-CGI animated feature but without any classic WB cartoon stars, for undated release.

Fred: DreamWorks Animation pushes How to Train Your Dragon 3 back from June 2016 release to June 2017.

Fred: Shaun the Sheep: the Movie is coming, too.

dronon: To promote Far Cry 4 at PAX 2014, Ubisoft set up an arena where fans could fight in animal costumes.

dronon: Radioactive wild boar roam the forests of Germany.

Fred: Aliens discovered in ocean depths unlike any known life forms.

Rakuen Growlithe: Indian woman marries dog to remove evil spirits.

GreenReaper:, previously merged into the now-closed Yiffy International, has been re-opened as a roleplaying forum by its original owner.

Fred: Singing rock hydraxes appreciate their audiences.

Fred: Glasgow City Chambers import 120,000 honeybees.

Patch Packrat: Michel Gagne and more great creators respond for interview series. (Animation interest: Ratatouille, The Saga of Rex and more.)

Patch Packrat: Mordrude's Monster Manual is very close to reaching their stretch goal for funding - closes Friday 9/5 at midnight.

Fred: The dog that ate 43 1/2 socks.

Fred: Is being called "Kung Fu Panda" a racist insult?

dronon: Coming soon: Fantastic Mr. Fox toys.

Fred: The first Disney 1983 tests for the 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit, with totally different looks for the characters and different voices.

Patch Packrat: Starting Frolic: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 2.

Fred: Which are more intelligent, chimps or trout? It's a tie.

Rakuen Growlithe: Kitsune: The Real and Fantastic Japanese Fox.

Patch Packrat: Gay Life TV’s Nomi Darling Show features fabulous furries, and my very special date with Nomi.

Fred: More about giant squid than you want to know.

Fred: More about hamsters advertising Kia than you want to know.

Fred: More about naked mole rats than you want to know.

Rakuen Growlithe: Scottish cat Hamish McHamish has passed away.

dronon: Japan promotes Guardians of the Galaxy with a mildly creepy animatronic raccoon.

bastett: Sounds like noted English novelist Christopher Isherwood might have been a proto-furry! Warning, contains cutesy-wootsy romantic animal roleplay.

Patch Packrat: The furry scene: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 3.

crossaffliction: Guardians of the Galaxy becomes the first movie of 2014 to hit $300 million domestically at the box office.

Patch Packrat: A slightly naughty Furry News Dump (9-17-14).

Patch Packrat: Facebook’s “real name” controversy, drag queens, and furries.

InkyCrow: Symbicort is beneficial to anthro wolves as well as humans.

Fred: Killing comes naturally to chimpanzees.

Fred: Leafhoppers vviibbrraattee to find sex.

Fred: Build your own human-sized hamster wheel.

Fred: After you build your own hamster wheel, make your pet guinea pig a pair of dragon wings.

dronon: Stephen Colbert attends Comic Con dressed as Prince Hawkcat.

Fred: Anima Estudios of México City prepares Top Cat Returns CGI feature for August 2015 Mexican release.

Fred: How dangerous are swans?

GreenReaper: Reindeer run twice as far from humans dressed as polar bears. [ArsTechnica]

Fred: What to do when you're drunk and are attacked by a crocodile.

Fred: Global warming affects Arctic polar bears, snow geese in surprising ways.

Patch Packrat: Controversy and success: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 4.

InkyCrow: The inspiration for Disney's Robin Hood wasn't actually Robin Hood.

Fred: Duh! I covered this over a year ago.

InkyCrow: ...and in more detail, I might add. I hadn't seen your article before. Thanks for highlighting it again for us. :)

crossaffliction: I'm going to have to correct Fred, though: Rock-a-Doodle did contain a fox; Chanticleer's manager (he was exceptionally corpulent, against type for usually svelte foxes).

Fred: Yes, that's in there, too. See the comments.

GreenReaper: The Lion King trumps Phantom of the Opera in revenue, joins Avatar in triumph of cat-based mass-media.

Patch Packrat: That was a great Reynard article from Fred. A rare book dealer posted a good article about one of his 1743 editions of the story, I put it in a Newsdump recently.

Fred: If you liked my column on Reynard, check out my five columns on the animation of Summer Olympics mascots.

Fred: Patch: Yep, that 1743 edition has the original Reynard with all his 12th-century gleeful torturings, mutilations, etc.

Fred: All of the articles about Marvel Comics' Squirrel Girl: yes, squirrels certainly twitch their tails. But does this make them PREHENSILE tails?

Fred: On the medieval execution of pigs and other beasts.

Fred: The rising popularity in Japan of elderly dog care centers.

Fred: Sarajevo's stray dog plague.

Fred: Demand to evict wild horses from Canadian island.

dronon: Congrats to the artist we know as Nambroth for winning the U.S. Federal Duck Stamp contest!

dronon: The Popples may be coming back.

earthfurst: Sept 30 is the deadline for submissions for Sofawolf Press' Heat (stories, poems & comics) & Hot Dish (stories).

Patch Packrat: Furries are breaking through. Obama and the Oscars like you. Now you’re on a postage stamp. - thanks dronon.

Fred: No. To quibble, the Federal Duck Stamps are NOT postage stamps. They are for a hunting permit, and are invalid for postage. It's nice that a furry artist's painting won this year, but there have been Duck Hunting stamps every year since 1934. They prove nothing about furries becoming more popular in mundane culture.

Fred: Wet dogs.

Patch Packrat: Rushing to respond to news means my Duck Stamp article needs a big correction! Still... "the only juried art competition run by the U.S. government"; "sale of Federal Duck Stamps goes directly to purchase or lease wetland habitat for protection in the National Wildlife Refuge System... one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated." - This is great Furry artist recognition.

Fred: The underwater spider.

Fred: 2,000 dead mice parachute into Guam to kill snake invaders.

Poetigress: Furry Writers' Guild announces Cóyotl Award winners for 2012 and 2013.

Patch Packrat: Q&A with master animator Michel Gagne, part 1. Another in a series for fans and furries.

dronon: A Shakespeare comic for kids: The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents Macbeth (via BoingBoing).



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About the author

crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel)read storiescontact (login required)

a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy

Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.