QUEER DUCK picked up by Showtime

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From cartoonresearch.com: Internet cartoon QUEER DUCK is staging a major comeback with SHOWTIME both online and on air beginning in January.
For those who may have missed this phenomenon, five episodes of QUEER DUCK, created and written by three-time Emmy winner Mike Reiss ("The Simpsons,'' "The Critic''), premiered online on Icebox.com in October 2000.
Queer Duck Productions, Inc. in association with Mishmash Media, Inc. will produce the animated web series for Showtime Networks adding 15 all-new episodes. The shows will premiere exclusively online at SHO.com where Showtime has developed an interactive website exclusively for the series, which will include biographies of Queer Duck and his friends, downloadable screensavers, animated postcards and exclusive Queer Duck merchandise.
After their online debut the series will be shown on SHOWTIME on Tuesdays following the 11pm broadcast of QUEER AS FOLK.

QUEER DUCK follows the outrageous adventures of, yes, a gay duck who works as a male nurse. He is joined by his animal friends -- Openly Gator, Bi Polar Bear, and Oscar Wildcat!

The short is animated and designed by Xeth Feinberg, who also worked with Reiss on "Hard Drinkin' Lincoln.'' Actor Jim J. Bullock is the voice of Queer Duck, and well-known entertainer RuPaul is part of the cast of voices and is also featured singing the theme song. Other cast members include Estelle Harris, Nick Jameson, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, Terry Mitchell Nani, Kevin Michael Richardson and Billy West.


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