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All This For a Snack?

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 7 Nov 2013 - 04:00
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Comic books are getting silly again, or at least getting weird. Later this month DC Comics presents the premier issue of  a new bi-monthly full-color series, Scooby-Doo Team-Up. Here’s what they say about it: “Rumors of a giant bat-creature bring Scooby and the gang on the run—but Batman and Robin are already on the trail of their old foe, the monstrous Man-Bat. Before long, the crooks behind a fake bat-creature will come face-to-face with the real thing…with the good guys caught in the middle!” Got that? It’s written by Sholly Fisch and illustrated by Dario Brizuela. In the 2nd issue, Scooby-Doo teams up with Ace the Bat-Hound to fight the evil Scarecrow! Yes, really.

image c. 2013 DC Comics


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