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Call for Further Confusion Badge Artwork Submissions

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Further Confusion is currently seeking artwork submissions for the 2002 membership badge inserts.

Artwork must be suitable for viewing by all ages.

Click on Read More... for further details.

Reproduction size of artwork will be 4" wide by 2" tall, printed on 4"x3"

cardstock inserts.

Color artwork is of course desirable, preferably not

super-saturated. Artwork should relate to the theme of FC 2002 (Further Confusion University).

There's no payment for the art, and the artist gives Further Confusion the

right to reproduce it as badge art for FC 2002. The art will be noted on

the badge insert as copyrighted by the artist and used with permission and

a credit will be placed in the con book. The artist will retain copyrights

and reproduction rights beyond the above.

Submissions should be sent to At least a 300-600DPI

color scan with JPG compression at a good to best quality setting is

recommended. An 8" by 4" original scanned at 300DPI would give us a good

file to deal with. The final badge artwork original is printed with a

1200DpI inkjet at final size, 6-up, and then reproduced from that.

Submission deadline is November 15, 2001. All qualifying submissions will

be seriously considered and we will choose the best 6 designs. All artists

offering submissions will be notified by December 1 as to whether their

artwork was chosen.


Further Confusion

Dean of Admissions


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