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An FCU (FurtherConfusion University) update

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Just a reminder that this is the last week you can register for FCU (aka FC2002) at the low price of $30! Effective October 2nd, our registration fee for the full weekend goes up to $35. Act quickly and save money! You can register online or by mail--see our Registration page.

More news is below.

Faculty Update--

We have a new addition to our list of guest lecturers! In addition to

author David Brin,

we are pleased to announce that David Feiten will be in attendance. Mr.

Feiten has worked at Pixar on projects including A Bugs Life, Toy Story,

and Toy Story 2, as well as non-Pixar projects, including Stuart Little.

Mr. Feiten also has been a Disney Imagineer and is one of the designers

of the original Bear Country Jamboree.

Travel Office--

As many have noticed, airfares and airline schedules are very much in

flux, following the recent attacks. However, we have been notified by

various members that there are bargains to be found. We will be posting

these bargains on our Travel message board as we learn of them. Also, if

you find any great deals on airfares to SFO for FC, please email us at

with the information, so we can share it with others. As many of the

fares seem to be of the "order within the next hour for this fare"

variety, we suggest checking your favorite airlines frequently.

Student Housing--

Rooms are available for all nights during the convention. We do

recommend you book early though, as we always sell out in advance of our

cutoff date.

DEALERS: Be sure to book as soon as possible so that you can be placed

near the Dealers Room, if that is your preference.

**NEWS FLASH** Our hotel has extended our convention rate to cover

additional days both before and after our convention weekend. Why not

take this opportunity to see more of the beautiful San Francisco Bay

area? A list of things to do and places to see will be posted on our

website in the next few days.

Instructors Wanted--

The Arts Department is looking for instructors to help run hands-on

workshops in drawing, inking, and coloring techniques. Volunteers should


Further Confusion


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