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Recommended Anthropomorphics List closes January 15

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 14 Mar 2014 - 13:23
Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)

The 2011 Recommended Anthropomorphics List will close on Sunday, January 15, giving fans just three weeks to recommend any titles released at the end of the year. Nominations for the 2011 Ursa Major Awards open on January 12 (the first day of Further Confusion 2012).

Please send in your choices for up to five nominees in each of the eleven categories of the Awards – Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture of the year, Best Novel, and so forth – to the Ursa Major website after that date. (Anthropomorphic Miscellany is not a category of the Awards.)

Nominees may be any titles first published or released during the January through December 2011 calendar year. They do not have to be on the 2011 Recommended List, though it may be used as a guide to what is eligible for those who cannot think of what to nominate.

The nominations will be open until February 29, 2012, when they will be closed to prepare the final ballot that will consist of the five titles in each category receiving the most nominations. Submitting nominations will automatically register you to receive an e.mail final ballot.

If you wish to make your nominations by regular mail instead of by e.mail, please send them to the Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts Association, c/o Furry Stuff, P. O. Box 1958, Garden Grove, California 92842-1958.


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