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Further Confusion 2012 December newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sun 25 Dec 2011 - 19:35
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The December edition of the newsletter includes holiday wishes from the chair, special guests and events, the end of pre-registration on December 30, an updated pet policy, notice of changing hotel room rates, a call for submissions to FC: Unleashed, updated dealer information and instructions, a request for volunteers, and notice of the next staff meeting on January 7.

Holiday wishes from the Chair

I just want to take a moment to tell you all how special you are to me. The furry world has been such a big part of my life over the past decade. The friends I have made are close ones, the love is real. And now as we bring this year to a close its time for me to paws and reflect about how truly blessed I am to be part of such a loving group of idiots.

So cut loose this December. Let bitterness and old drama die and try and find that childlike joy that we once had as children. Being Furry is being a free spirit, not encumbered by the status norm that this sphincter clinched world demands we live by.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and the start of a wonderful new year.

Bosn C Otter

Further Confusion special Events with special guests

Guests of Honor - We've got a couple. We think they're awesome! We hope that you do, too!

E. E. Knight - Author and cool dude. He's responsible for both the Vampire Earth and Age of Fire series of books. We're very happy to have him as a guest this year.

Matthew Ebel - Very talented musician and generally cool guy. Matt will perform a for you on our Main Stage on Saturday.

Special Performances - 2 Gryphon and Uncle Kage return to Further Confusion for a special performance! Come enjoy them relate the humor in life as only these two very talented and very funny individuals can!

Iron Artist - After too long of a hiatus, Iron Artist returns to Further Confusion for 2012! Come and watch the struggle to become Further Confusion's next Iron Artist!

Pre-registration ends on December 30, 2011

Consider pre-registering for Further Confusion 2012 if you haven't done so yet. Pre-reg for the convention closes on December 30th, 2011, after this date memberships must be purchased at the convention at the full convention rate.

For more information, please visit the registration page.

Pet Policy

It is regrettable and unfortunate that we must announce that pets (non-service animals) are not permitted in the San Jose Convention Center, even if just walking them from one hotel to the other.

Both the San Jose Marriott and San Jose Hilton, however, are pet friendly (and welcoming!) establishments.

Our Hotel/Convention Center FAQ has been updated with regard to pet policy.

Hotel rooms still available - Convention rates end on December 25, 2011

Convention rates for rooms in both the San Jose Marriott and San Jose Hilton will end on December 25, 2011. We cannot guarantee that you will receive the convention's special negotiated room rates at either of these hotels for bookings made after this cut-off date. If you've been holding off on reserving a at the convention rate (but have been planning to), please do so before 12/25/2011.

FC:Unleashed 2012 Call for Act Submissions!


It's that time again!

It's me, Sprout! Your FC:Unleashed 2012 Lead and MC! And with me again, is Humble! Your dedicated 2nd and Co-MC! :) We're looking forward to another FANTASTIC year putting on another FANTASTIC show for all you awesome folks! :)

Some things to look forward to for 2012:

- Bigger, Better prizes! $250 for first place!
- A new judging category! That's right! That makes 4 chances to win!
- The owners of Psycho Donuts will be returning as Judges!
- A bigger staff working on the show, which means more awesome!
- A longer show! We're going for a FULL 2 hours this time! :) YAY!
- And finally, more seating because it's going to be at the CONVENTION CENTER! YAH!

We're already working on some big things for the show next year but there's one thing that we need above all else to make the show a success, YOU and YOUR ACTS!

So, Humble and I put together this little inspirational video for you to watch so hopefully get those creative juices flowing!

In order to submit an act, we need the following:

Name of the group:
Names of Group Members/Number of Group Members:
Contact information:
Length of Act:
Description of Act:
Will your act require music or be a video?:
Do you want your act to be submitted for judging?:
Any special needs/props:
What type of lighting do you need (pitch black stage at the beginning/end, etc.)?


This form is VERY important to us for the planning of the show schedule, rehearsals, staying in touch with you, etc.

All submission forms, questions, etc. can be sent to:

If you are interested in working as one of our stage crew or are interested in submitting an act idea or just want to be in a skit but don't have an idea of your own, please feel free to e-mail us!

The deadline to submit acts is 12/31/2011 at Midnight!

We now officially have our own YouTube channel! Yay!

You can see our past videos and any that we put up at:

Also! We have a twitter account for the show! It's a great resource for show updates and information! Our twitter is:

And if you'd like to contact us at all our e-mail is:

We look forward to hearing from folks and seeing the great acts people will be submitting! Please remember, without you guys submitting content for the show, it's just Humble and myself on stage being ridiculous for two hours or an entire show of our obnoxious humor translated into videos and acts, and no one wants to see that.... trust me... :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a great day!

Furry Market Place is Full

Yes, all 20 spaces for the Furry Market Place are currently full. So, if you haven't sent in an application already, then it is too late.

If you have sent in an application and just haven't heard back from us, either we haven't gotten to sending you notice, or it hasn't gotten to us through the mail yet. In any case, if we get your application at this point, we will email you that we are already full, but will keep your application on file should one of those persons with a Furry Market Place space happens to cancel. Then we will contact you again and ask if you are still interested.

Dealer Room 'Who Sits Where' listing coming soon

We have completed out first draft of figuring out who will sit where and are currently working on the technical aspects of getting that displayed on the website. We hope to have it there before the 10th of December, but things are really busy as we get our personal lives taken care of for the holidays and get things convention-wise prepared.

Also, we will be sending out 'Dealer Information' to all dealers BY EMAIL in mid-December. So, if your email address has changed since you applied, write to and update us on your email address. The email to us should contain your Real Name as it appears on your application, your old email address and your new email address. If you don't update us, your information will go to your old email address and you may never see it.

Never fear, however, we do plan to put all the non-private Dealer Information on the website right around the time we send out the emails. (Hint: The emails will contain a link to the website where the non-private info. The email will only contain that URL and the information that is specific to your dealer table.)

To those on the Dealer Room Waiting list

Please make sure we have your current email address. If your email address has changed, email us at with your Real Name (as it appeared on your application), your old email address, and your new email address. We will then update our records. Offers of tables to the waiting list go out by email only. And will only give you something like 72hrs to respond to accept the offer. So be sure that whatever email address you supply us with is one you will check frequently. We are in the part of the year when it is most likely that one or more persons may discover they will not be able to make it to the convention after all and release their table. Then we offer it to the waiting list in the order you appear on the list.

Also, if you no longer want to be on the waiting list, email us with your Real Name as it appeared on your application and let us know that you wish to be removed from the waiting list. We currently have 30 people on the waiting list. We can also let you know, upon request, what the current number of your spot on the waiting list is. Again, the email address to write to is

We Still need GoFurs!

There are a lot of odds and ends that need to be done throughout the convention and we rely on gofers for that. After 20 hours of service is logged by a GoFur, registration fees can be rolled over to next year or refunded!

You can sign up to be a GoFur at the convention or by sending email to

Next Staff Meeting

We are getting close to the convention itself. So we are hoping to see lots of faces at this next staff meeting. The next staff meeting is Saturday, January 7th @ 1pm in the San Jose Convention Center, room K. (located on the first floor near the Marriott)

After that, it's time for the FC itself!


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