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Furnation adds new affiliate service

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From Nexxus on "You know that we have been attempting to add new services to our system for quite a long time now. Now that we are back online at our present location with new equipment and faster lines, we decided it was about time to unveil our newest service!! An Official FurNation Affiliate! Auction, online sales,
and all around cool website!"
Read on for the details.

For 3 months I have been watching the development of this new service by two
friends of mine, Kurst and TechWolf. They put so much effort into its
development that I finally had to give them a call and ask if we could
strike up a deal to add the service to FurNation. We are now proud to
announce FurNation's first official affiliate system!

FurEauction is not owned or maintained by FurNation, but is a separate
service. The auction system is hosted by FurEauction and is maintained
separately from FurNation. By combining the hosted Websites on FurNation
with FurEauction we can give visitors and members extra services to buy and
sell furry stuff online.

FurEauction can be located at the following link:

I am proud to have FurEauction as FurNation's first affiliate service!
Enjoy, and happy bidding!


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