RCFM May Newsletter - Only 3 weeks to GO!
Issue 8, Vol. I
May, 2008
Hey Y'all,
It's been an eventful month, in many different ways. I have good news, bad new, and just plain news.
The Dealers' Den is FULL! All the tables are now called for, but Shiro still has a waiting list. If somebody suddenly can't make it and doesn't need a table, then he goes down the waiting list to assign available tables. News of this can be found on the Den page of the
website and a blurb on the home page of the website. --> http://www.rcfm.net/
Get your Pre-reg in as soon as you can! The pre-reg only lasts until May 20th, so time is quickly running out. We currently have more pre-reg numbers than last year, and that's a good thing because we're spending more on the hotel this year, but the amount of time you have to get the GOOD price for your reg is almost gone!
And on that note, please get your reservations in place for your hotel room! The hotel is rapidly filling up and you don't want to be left out! It also helps the hotel to know that most, or all, of the rooms are already called for - so every room we get on the reservations list NOW really helps over the next few weeks.
Also, I've learned that 2 is not going to be able to make it to RCFM. He has a sudden issue that came up that will require him to be in Michigan during RCFM weekend, so he sends his regrets and won't be able to join us. We will miss him, but "real-life" comes first and we'll have to wait until the next convention to see him again.
And for a bit of better news... We are having a raffle this year to benefit our resident Charity, PCDS. We will have a higher-end HP laptop as a first prize, a black 60 gig I-pod with full Belkin accessory kit as a second prize and a $25 Visa gift card as a third prize. Tickets for this raffle will be $5 apiece, or $20 for 5 of them. Buy as many as you like, until the roll of 1000 tickets runs out. (Tickets to be sold cash-only, no credit cards. ONLY RCFM attendees may buy raffle tickets. Prizes have no cash value. Drawing to be held at Closing Ceremonies. Must be present at Closing, and HOLDING YOUR TICKET to win.)
There are a great number of things that have come up at the last minute this year. Some require serious changes, some are pretty surprising, some are just news. Keep checking in on the home page of the website, on the rocketcityfurmeet yahoo group and the RCFM LJ for new news. We will do our best to post news as it comes up, in between spending time dealing with this stuff... as it comes up.
See you all in a few weeks!!! :D
Coming up this month in the Rocket City FurMeet Sim in Second Life, we have a couple of events you might find interesting!
May 3rd we're having our traditional Pre-Con RAVE! That's right! Bring your glowsticks and rainbows! We're gonna be ringing in Furry Convention Season the way only Rocket City can! Our own Foxxeh DJ gets us in the mood with all the best music! Come on by, and be ready to DANCE!
May 10th brings us a Very Special Dance. Alex's Imperial Night! He commands you to bring yourself and your friends over for "interrogation." The Most Loyal Furs will be given a Special Reward.
May 17th, the weekend before RCFM, we're having a FREE KO Party! KO himself will be in the sim (captive, of course) for this event! You will have to drop by the sim to get info on this one -- it's highly classified and we don't want Our Dictator to know we're scheming!
THEN, on May 23rd, you can come to the Real Life Rocket City FurMeet. After visiting our sim and seeing the hotel and the event rooms, you'll already know where everything is! Plus, you get to hang out in real life with the friendly Staff Furs you've spent so much time with in-sim! We look forward to meeting you in SL and at the con!
Aye, we're ship shape and coming down to the finish line! We are less than a month from the start of the con! And believe it or not, we have some awesome programming planned! The convention's programming is looks totally AWESOME! And you can bet that while we're not finished yet - all that remains is swabbing the deck a bit and making everything ship-shape for the entrance into the RCFM Radisson's harbor.
And just to remind everyone of the programming plans that we have - here is just some of the line up so far:
- Are you into gaming? PC or Board? Well we have both! We have Yu-gi-oh, Soul Caliber, Furry DnD and FPS games planned and programmed! And if that's not enough, bring your GameCube for the Smash Brothers Tournement or your Nintendo DS system for the DS Festival!
- The Furry Variety Show is now on Saturday Afternoon and been turned over to the incredible SnapE Tiger! That's right, SnapE will be in a prime spot Saturday with the rest of the fursuiters for the convention! And those wishing to get their last minute acts in – need to contact SnapE ( snapEtiger@yahoo.com ) as soon as possible, as the show is filling up rapidly!
- Leg Iron Artist will test man and beast with a challenge of the artist kind - to see which artist can make the most out of the items they are given. The winner is given the title "RCFM Iron Artist" for the rest of the year, and other snazzy and "shiny" objects to be adored for!
- RCFM6 will have live bands every night of the con! These bands will be bringing you the sounds you crave at RCFM6!
o Critical Fail
o Crimson Mist
o Controlled Substance
- The Art Auction is now a silent auction, and will not be part of the charity auction. This means the price you bid, is the price you pay (not including sales tax, unfortunately.) And this year, All artists who contribute pieces will be invited to a special "Artist's Reception" to be given in their honor! That's right, Boosters and Artists will be invited to a special reception Saturday evening in the Artist show where some fine finger food and drinks will be served!
- And we still have a couple of panels in the Art Show remaining - but they are almost full!
- Second Life's track of panels is beyond compare - No other furry con has it's own Second Life Track or as many panels. RCFM on Second Life - 24/7 - the con that never ends!
- Fursuiting has never seen so much involvement in the convention! This includes the parade to kick things off, a meet n' greet, a whole mess o' fursuiting games, and a poolside swimsuit competition! And remember the "Deep 6" theme when designing your costumes!
- And dances are scheduled every night of the con!
- Closing Ceremonies will not be until late Sunday afternoon, so no leaving early! But the con doesn't really end then... we just move on to the Sunday night party! So make your plans to stay Sunday night too... you won't be disappointed!
- Programming starts Friday at noon, and runs until late Sunday night! So heave to and get ready to board - this is going to be an awesome ride!
With only a few weeks left until Rocket City FurMeet, the Volunteer Department is pleased to welcome Filthy Rotten as a member of the Rocket City FurMeet Staff. Filthy Rotten will be assisting Samii and Xanthe with duties for the con this year, so that means triple the wrangling power!
Do you want to help your side of the coup? Provide assistance to one of the friendliest cons in the United States? Rocket City FurMeet is looking for willing volunteers to help in such departments and events
as Security (with the approval of Alex "The Exalted" Katz), the Art Show, Hospitality, and Critical Fail concert set-up, and much more! If interested, e-mail Samii Tiger or Xanthe Equine for more information.
Rocket City Volunteering is a neutral party in the struggle for control of Rocket City FurMeet and supplies volunteers to both sides. Thusly, Rocket City Volunteers are considered neutral parties by affiliation. However, Samii, Xanthe, and Filthy Rotten make no attempts at enforcing this in an effort to promote an atmosphere of free will.
Rewards for completing volunteer hour "landmarks" are as follows:
5 Hours of Volunteering -- RCFM Volunteer Mousepad
10 Hours of Volunteering -- RCFM Volunteer T-Shirt
15Hours of Volunteering -- Free Attending-Level Membership to RCFM 2009
For more information or to sign up to volunteer, e-mail Samii at SamiiTiger@gmail.com or Xanthe at Xanthe_Equine@yahoo.com.
We look forward to seeing you on Memorial Day Weekend!

About the author
KOakaKO (Kevin) — read stories — contact (login required)a fixng, building and repairing everything from Huntsville, AL, interested in darn near everything
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