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FC2008 October Newsletter

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1. Furry Market Place spaces still available
2. FNL08 - will it be YEAR OF THE NINJA
3. We welcome our second Guest of Honor
4. We need DJ's
5. The next meeting is November 10th

1. Furry Market Place spaces still available

Yes, we still have some of these spaces left at the time of this
writing. If you want a space in the Furry Market Place, head on over
to the dealers page at the Further Confusion website and read the details,
download the PDF, fill it out, write a check for US $65.00 and get it sent
in to us.  That price INCLUDES a full membership to the convention. These
remaining spaces are not going to last long, and we will CLOSE sales on
December 1st, 2007 even if there are spaces left, so get your order
in soon!

2. FNL08 - will it be YEAR OF THE NINJA

Time is getting short to get involved with Furry Night Live 2008! This is
the marquee event for FC's Sunday evening, featuring a variety of furry
acts performed live. New this year we are accepting short video segments
to complement the on-stage acts. If you have an act or are otherwise
interested in participating, it is vital you join the FNL08 discussion
mailing list at <>
(FNL007 list membership does not carry over to FNL08)

PLEASE NOTE: We will be shooting for a rough lineup by mid-January,
and space is limited. Don't wait for FC itself! Also watch for news
about the new website and the
" " LiveJournal community!

3. We welcome our second Guest of Honor

We are pleased to announce the second Guest of Honor for Further
Confusion 2008
.  Dave Barclay, of PerformFX will be joining us in
January.  Dave is a professional puppeteer whose credits range from
Cats and Dogs (working as the lead performance coordinator) to Who
Framed Roger Rabbit (the lead puppeteer) to the Star Wars saga
(puppeteer of Jabba the Hutt), and many, many more.

We are honored to bring this master-level puppeteer to our event, and
expect him to bring some of his puppets to demonstrate their use.
Between artist Moira Hahn and puppeteer Dave Barclay, not to mention
special performer Alexander James Adams, we expect this to be a year you
won't soon forget.

4. We need DJ's

We are still seeking a few good furs to help out with the dances for
this upcoming FC in January.  If you like to make people dance, or
watch them dance, or even draw them dance, this is for you.  This is
also for you if you just like music and not really into dancing.

We're still seeking some people who can do real time video mixing.
Wanna be a VJ?  Email and let's talk.  Also, we're planning some new
things this year like Live Action Drawing.  If you want to be under
the spotlight and drawing while listening to the music and watching
people dancing all around you, shoot us an email.

DJ's, we've gotten many submissions, but still need some more.  We'll
be finalizing the schedule at the end of the month, so get a demo in
now if you're interested.  In particular, we're in need of DJ's who
can do non-techno styles (rock, pop, 80's, etc...)  You don't need to
be a master DJ mixer, just need to have a good selection of music.
And we also are in need of some DJ's who can do down-tempo/ambient for
the second area during the main dance.  (And yes, still accepting
demos of every style for all the dances - the schedule has not been
set yet!!!)

If you're interested in any of this stuff, or helping out with the
dances in any way you can imagine, send an email to

If you've previously sent in an email, but never heard back from
anyone, don't be afraid to send it again.  We'd rather get 2 emails
from you than none at all.

5. The next meeting is November 10th

Please come and join us for the next public Further Confusion staff
meeting. Many of our departments are still looking for helpful furs.  Come
be part of something great and volunteer. This con would be impossible
without the help of well over 150 staffers. The meeting starts at noon at
our wonderful Double Tree Hotel in San Jose. Look at any LCD screen for
"Further Confusion..." to see what meeting room we are in.


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