RCFM Newsletter
(This newsletter can be seen in it's HTML entirety at : http://www.rcfm.net/newsletter_200701.htm)
The OFFICIAL, one and only, newsletter of
The Rocket City FurMeet (RCFM)
Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-27, 2007
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
(Earth, Sol, Sector 001, Alpha Quadrant)
• Registration Now Open!
• Check us out on Second Life!
• Programming Up!
• Call for Volunteers!
We have very special guests joining us in Huntsville for our rocket ride this year.
Our author guest of honor is none other than the wonderful Mr. Jeff Goode. Jeff Goode is a director, actor, and the author of over 50 plays, musicals and children's shows, including The Eight: Reindeer Monologues, the cult serial Larry and the Werewolf, and the shock-comedy Poona the F***dog and Other Plays for Children. Currently living in Los Angeles, Jeff has written television pilots for Fox, UPN, USA Networks, Canal Plus, and two for MTV, including the pilot for Undressed. For the Disney Channel, he created and executive produced the animated series American Dragon: Jake Long.
Joining us as our Artist Guests of Honor are Robert & Margaret Carspecken, who are best known these days for having created the original "furry" cookbook, Sweet Treats, and for the online comic strip "Faux Pas." Known mainly for their love of foxes, they currently live at and work from their seven-acre farm in the Missouri Ozarks (hence, OzFoxes) and they sell their fox-related artwork both online and at convention art shows around the world.
Joining us as our fursuiter guest of honor is the wonderful and talented AnimeCat, a red-haired golden housecat hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas. By day, she works for the state university hospital, but by night she is a crazy, rampant artist, bent on ruling the world through pointless doodles. She is an awarded costumer, having placed in convention competition around the country, such as Archon, Anime Weekend Atlanta, MidSouthCon, and Project A-Kon.
And last, but most certainly not least, our panelist of honor this year is the totally awesome Commander Kitsune. One of his professors in college described him as a jack of all trades, master of none. He was right on. Commander Kitsune dabbles in audio and visual trades, works as a computer systems architect, spent 24 years with the military, and still maintains his "chops" as a musician. He was a panelist at his first con, teaming up with Fred Ladd on how religion was represented in anime. Since then, he's been on panels at nearly every con he's attended and on almost every topic. His favorite type of panel: walnut.
All these guests will be riding with you on our spaceflight today. Be sure to have your boarding passes ready.
In order to ride the rocket, you'll need a boarding pass! Pre-registration for Rocket City Furmeet V closes at Midnight on May 17, 2007, so be sure to get those pre-registrations in soon! Remember, you can get a single-day membership for $20.00, an attending level for $35.00, a sponsoring membership for $45.00, a super-sponsoring membership for $75.00 and our top of the line booster membership for $160.00.
Don't forget about our PREDATOR discount. If you are a returning RCFM attendee who is bringing one or more people who are attending RCFM for the first time, you can get discounts off your membership of $5.00 per prey!
To pre-register for RCFM Sci-Five, click the "Buy Tickets" button on your screen.
Rocket City FurMeet is in Second Life now! We have created a detailed model of our good ship (hotel) for you to enjoy. Be sure to drop by and meet your fellow crew and passengers.
Sign on to Second Life and join the real life staff and attendees of RCFM for furry fun and chat. Each weekend we host a dance party, DJed by our own DJ Wolfie and Foxxy DJ, Charles. Our space rink is "low-lag" and we offer virtual skates and rave stuff for sale. In the quiet times, hang out in our pool, courtyard, and other areas. We even have our Barnyard Market with avatars and other items for sale! Our RCFM in SL Staff (which happens to be several of our real life staff members) will be happy to assist you with most of your SL questions. Rocket City FurMeet, making it real...and virtual!
Your voyage would not be complete without some in flight entertainment, and there we are happy to announce that we have you more than covered. The Magical Programming Jaguar is at it again and is putting together a fantastic year for you this year. To see what he has in store for you this year, click the "Schedule" button on your screen.
And, if you think that's stellar, then check out the stars you'll see performing on RCFM's main stage, including multiple performances by the furry bands Sub-level 03 and Critical Fail! And, of course, who could forget the fully-stocked galley for all your food and drink needs.
It takes a lot of work to make RCFM happen and we all appreciate whatever help we can find. We have lots of positions in the Meet where we need additional help, including security, gophers, morning furs, and game masters to run roleplaying games. Oh, and did we mention the rewards? Click the "Volunteering" button on your screen for information on lending a paw at RCFM Sci-Five.
Think you have what it takes to become one of the elite, one of the RED SHIRTS? Volunteer for the RCFM Security force and help 2007 be the BEST RCFM YET!
And finally, we want news of our launch to spread all over the galactic net. If there is a mailing list or someplace this newsletter should reach and has not, please feel free to re-post it there!
Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-27, 2007
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
(Earth, Sol, Sector 001, Alpha Quadrant)
This page was last modified January 29, 2007 at 4:33 p.m. PST
RCFM is produced by the members of NARF (North Alabama Regional Furs) and is funded through the Alabama non-profit corporation "Rocket City FurMeet, Incorporated." All RCFM site content and/or funds collected are the property of Rocket City FurMeet, Inc. and shall be used specifically for the purpose of hosting RCFM.

About the author
KOakaKO (Kevin) — read stories — contact (login required)a fixng, building and repairing everything from Huntsville, AL, interested in darn near everything
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