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Bed n' Bagel with the Wolves

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Safari's of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma is an interactive animal safari in the Central United States dedicated to the rescue of exotic animals that were original acquired as pets that later could not be kept. Open to the public Saturdays and Sundays 12:00-6pm. General admission is $6 per person, $5 for kids 3-12 (under the age of 3 is Free), and $4 for Seniors.

In addition to the safari tours, there is a "bed & bagel" on the grounds that features an 1800s log cabin, queen bed, fireplace, antiques, kitchenette, clawfoot bathtub, animal décor, proch swing and continental breakfast. Price includes admission to the park, guided tour, and a nightly serenade by the wolves of Safaris just outside your window! $75 / night.

Click here for a .pdf flyer with color photos of the cabin.


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