Claw & Quill goes live
The new anthropomorphic sf/fantasy webzine Claw & Quill (previously reported here on Flayrah) is now online. We've opened with stories by Kris Schnee, Jefferson P. Swycaffer, and Michael H. Payne (author of The Blood Jaguar), poetry by Elizabeth Barrette, and reviews of new novels by Fred Patten. Illustrations are by Kenket, Conrad "Lynx" Wong, Cubist and Kim Liu. Ideally, Claw & Quill will be updated on a biweekly basis starting in November, and we'll continue to need both stories and artists willing to do story illustrations (and contribute frontispiece work, which we'd like to put in rotation).

About the author
Chipotle (Watts Martin) — read stories — contact (login required)a writer, web developer and Coyote from Silicon Valley, CA, interested in writing and cocktails
Coyotl-award winning author of Kismet, Indigo Rain, and other furry stories. Former president of the Furry Writers' Guild. Greymuzzle. Pronouns: he/they.
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