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Further Confusion 2005 - October Newsletter

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1. Furry Variety Show - Furry Night Live!
2. Con Book Update
3. Masquerade Entries wanted
4. Extreme Fursuiting Make Over.
5. Badge Art wanted.
6. Fursuit & Party floor requests. Hotel update.
7. Event Panel Submissions
8. Charity Items1. Furry Variety Show - Furry Night Live!

Attention Furry and Fursuiting World:

While it may be a few months until Further Confusion 2005, if you've
got performer blood in you that's boiling, then it's that time to
start thinking about getting back onto the stage - the FC Main Stage,
that is!

This year the Furry Variety Show (FVS) - with the emphasis on Variety,
performance and, of course, whacky fun - will be subtitled "Furry
Night Live!
" Furs will be asked to organized into 'troupes' (like on
Saturday Night Live, Mad TV, or Second City TV), plan, write their
skits and rehearse them in advance. Because of this, acts performed by
these troupes will be allowed to go over the former skit limits if,
and only if, they are approved in advance. Individual performances
will be limited to 3 minutes. As usual, the FVS is a non-competitive
and non-judged show for the entertainment of Further Confusion's

So, if you want to do magic, a comedy routine, dance to 'Walk Like an
Egyptian, play your kazoo, juggle flaming bowling pins (providing
they're not lit, of course), or perform that silly act that you've
wanted to do for months - in or out of costume, with or without a
puppet, alone or in a stage breaking group - then the FVS is for you!

For more information contact FVS Lead Scruff E. Coyote at

To subscribe to the official FVS discussion email list, go to

2. Con Book Update

The deadline for the Convention Program Book is December 3rd, 2004. Further
is accepting black and white artwork, stories, photographs,
and any other related conbook material. We can accept material in
TIFF, EPS and PDF formats. If you have a JPEG file, please try to send
it to us at the highest resolution possible. Artwork can be either
8.5"x11", 8.5"x5.5", or 4.25"x5.5" in size. Stories may be in either
Rich Text (RTF) or DOC format. If you are submitting a story, please
include your name in the story file so we are able to properly credit

Also, please name files that you provide to us something logical, so
that we know who they were submitted by. For example, a piece done by
Joe Public could be named jpublic_Gryphons_at_Dawn.tiff.

We do have an upload site for images that are too large to send to us
by email. By 'too large', we mean larger than 5MB in size. Please send
submissions and questions to conbook;@</i> This is
also where to ask about details for the upload site.

Our Convention Book guidelines are posted in full detail on our
website, as well as templates that you can use for Illustrator and
Photoshop. This page is located at

3. Masquerade Entries wanted

The Masquerade is now open for entries. Our Masquerade is a judged
event with three categories: Novice, Journeyman and Master.

- Novice class is for new people and requires that you have never
been in a judged event before.
- Journeyman is for those who have one at least one award in a judged
event before.
- The Master category is for those that have won Best of Show, Best
of Class, or other such titles in events before.

Entrants may compete in categories above that which they must be in,
but may not compete in categories lower. For example, someone who is
presenting for the first time anywhere could compete in Journeyman if
they so wished, but anyone who has won at Master level could not
compete in Journeyman or Novice.

Masquerade entries are to be less than two minutes in length. We are
always excited to see new creations, and from new people. If you've
never entered a masquerade before, this is an excellent opportunity.

For more information, send email to masquerade;@</i>

To subscribe to the official Masquerade discussion email list, go to

4. Extreme Fursuiting Make Over.

We have an exiciting new event for Further Confusion this year -
Extreme Fursuiting Makeover!

The best names in the business have generously offered to donate their
time and skill at FC to remake one lucky fursuit. That's right, now
you don't have to choose between a White_Fox, Ryngs, LatinVixen, Dogz,
Jax or Brokken suit - you can have one built by ALL of them, and best
of all, for free! That is only a partial list of the makers that have
agreed to participate, they are all stars.

The panel will be on Saturday early afternoon - the exact time will be
announced - and will be in front of a live audience.

These are the rules:
- You may not contact the fursuit makers directly about this event.
The decision will be made as a team. Anyone contacting a maker
about this event will be immediately disqualified. The team is
adamant about this and there will be NO exceptions.
- The suit that will be madeover will be chosen based on the following
. A good character idea not living up to its full potential.
. It can be remade into something spectacular within the alloted
time (2 hours) - The fursuit makers will decide this, of course.
. The makers have the materials or you have enough left over to
redo it. . Reasonable practicality. It will be the same character,
just better.
- You must actually own the suit to submit it for consideration.
- You must have pictures you can share through email. We need front,
back and side views.
- This event will be filmed by FCTV
- The fursuit will be seen 'before' and 'after' by the audience
- It is up to the owner of the costume if they wish to do a walk-on
of the remade suit at the Masquerade.
- It is up to the discretion of the Fursuit Makeover co-ordinator
(Toraneko) as to whether 'factory' (Marylen, Facemaker, etc) suits
can be remade. Please do submit these suits if you wish to attempt
having them madeover.
- The deadline for entries is November 15, 2004.
- The decision as to which suit will be remade will be made by
December 15, 2004. The winner will be notified directly by the
Fursuit Makeover co-ordinator (Toraneko)
- Anyone contacting the fursuit makers about this WILL be
disqualified. It's a serious enough rule to mention twice.
- Last but not least. You must be an attending member of Further

If you are interested you will get a better suit, for free. There will
be time before the actual construction begins - 30 minutes before the
panel for you to meet with the fursuit makers and share some ideas.
You will relinquish creative control after that. You will get a
wearable suit. You will not dictate every detail. These guys are
masters, if you cannot trust them, this isn't for you.

Send submissions in to toranekom;@</i> _ONLY_. Please, make sure
they are a small enough size that they don't get rejected by the mail

5. Badge Art wanted.

Artists! Further Confusion needs badge art for the inserts to
membership badges, and is seeking submissions.

Both Color and Black & White artwork will be accepted, and all artwork
will be considered on an overall 'look and feel', plus these
additional points:
- Art must scale to be printed at 4"x2"
- Art must accurately reflect the theme of the con, "Furries of the
- Art must be suitable for viewing by all age groups.

Artists submitting images should be aware that there is no payment for
badge art chosen, and the artist gives Further Confusion the right to
reproduce the image as badge art for FC2005. The artist will be
credited on the insert and in the convention Program Book. The artist
retains all other copyrights and reproduction rights beyond the above.

The deadline for badge art submission is October 15, 2004. All
qualifying submissions will be seriously considered and 6 designs will
be chosen. All artists will be notified by November 1, 2004 as to
whether or not their submissions have been chosen.

We prefere JPEG format at best possible quality compression at 300
DPI. An 8"x4" original scanned at this resolution will give us a good
file to work with.

Badge art Submissions should be sent to registration;@</i>
In the email specify how you wish to be credited should your art be chosen.

6. Fursuit & Party floor requests. Hotel update.

If you want to have a room on the Fursuit floor, you need to make a
regular room reservation with the hotel and get the reservation/confirmation
number. One you have this number, send an email requesing a room on
the Fursuit floor to hotel;@</i>

The deadline for Fursuit floor requests is December 18, 2004.

Also, if you want to have a public party during Further Confusion,
you may request a room on the party floor. The only requirement is that you
have a public party during the con that anyone may attend. The process
is the same for getting a fursuit room. First you have to make a
reservation with the hotel and they will give a reservation number.
That number and request should go to hotel;@</i> and
should included a description of the party and which night(s) you wish
to have the party for.

The deadline for Party Room Requests is December 1, 2004

Finally from the hotel, there are still a small number of suites
available. These suites give you that extra luxury of spreading out,
and provide fabulous views over San Jose and the Norman Y. Mineta
Interational Airport. A parlour suite is $225 per night, and are
booked in the same way as described above. Book a regular room, get
your confirmation number, and email that number and your request to

7. Event Panel Submissions

Do you have an idea for a panel? Are there panels and events you want
to see at Further Confusion? Send us your ideas! Submissions for
events and panels should go to events;@</i> with a
short description of the panel or event you wish to see or do.

8. Charity Items

We are looking for items to auction off in our Charity auction. We
have two charities this year, Therapy Pets and Friends of Lulu. Items
for the Charity auction should be of significant value. Not that we
don't mind some of your older items and art, but we've had enough of
old 486 PCs and Mac SE40's for a while. If you do have items to
donate, please send email to charity;@</i>

Further Confusion


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