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FC2005 room party at BayCon

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Further Confusion will be having a room party both Friday May 28th and Saturday May 29th at 7pm at BayCon in Room 259. Music, food and other cool stuff will abound, including a fursuit dance on Saturday on the back deck. We will have some changing space available.

BayCon takes place between May 28th though the 30th and is located at the San Jose Double Tree in San Jose (same hotel as Further Confusion) look for us to also have a fan-table at Baycon as well. If you're not already a Baycon member, there is a $20 night time badge that you will be available in order to attend the convention that night. That badge will also get you
into all the other Baycon parties and events that night as well as serve as a $20 discount on the $35 single day pass for BayCon on Saturday (or the next day if you come Saturday).

Come help us celebrate the official kickoff of Further Confusion 2005.

Further Confusion


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