Califur Monthly Newsletter
Califur is poised to be the Best Furry Con to ever Happen in Southern California, we have more guests then cons twice our size, and that means more fun for you, however, now we need your help, we need all of you to register for Califur, go online, or mail us a check, and we also need you to book your hotel rooms, sooner rather then later, its also a matter that Early Registration Closes on May 10th 2004, at that point the price goes up from 35 to 45 Dollars so do Califur a Favor and Register Early!
Just to Entice you our Guest List-
2 the Ranting Gryphon - Appearing this Year and Pawpet Megaplex,
Anthrocon, and Oklacon, 2 is known all over the fandom for his great
humor, and just for you at Califur, he will be Performing Two Shows!
FoxxFire - Known on the West Coast for his Art, FoxxFire will be
appearing on the Furotica Panel and, in addition he drew the Cover for
the Con Book
Jefferson Swycaffer - Jefferson is a Science Fiction author with more
then 8 novels to his a name, he has been featured in Fur Kindred, several
times and will be participating in a a panel on writing.
Special Guest - Due to His Contract, we cant meantion his name, but we can give you a hint, he was involved with something called "Experiment 626" try and figure it out
John and Rachel Cawley - John Cawley's professional suiting career spans
almost three decades including Disneyland. He has been suiting at cons
since the 1980s beginning at San Diego Comic Cons. The popular Furdance
is a creation of John and his wife, Rachel (aka Cataroo). His more
famous suits include The Blue Fox and Cannon the Party Pony. Out of
suit, John is an animation producer, creator and author. John will be
Featured at Several Panels at Califur, including the Fursuit
Construction Panel.
Sublevel 3 – Sublevel 3, a furry band from Oklahoma, playing in the
genre of Electronica, will be playing on Saturday Night, Before the
The Caberet - Organized by Rod and Mishi Basler, the Caberet, will be
the best in recent memory, and only a small additional fee to attend, in
addition, as a Patron member you get Priority Seating for all theater
events, and a free ticket to the Caberet
The Califur GoodTime Story Hour ! (A.K.A. The Names may not been Changed
to Protect the Innocent.) - We All have Con Stories, some good, some
bad, some damm funny, now its your turn to tell them!
Our Entire Programming Schedule has been Blocked out, it should be up on
the website by next week.. see you all soon!
Robert Johnson
Chairman - Califur
The NEW Southern California Furry Convention

About the author
AlohaWolf (Robert Johnson) — read stories — contact (login required)a technician and Wolf/Husky/Malamute from Renton, WA
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