Anthrocon 2004 Conbook Submissions Wanted!
Want to go to Anthrocon?
Want to get a free T-shirt, a free luncheon with the guests of honor, expedited check-in and a valuable free gift created just for Anthrocon by its guests?
Well, you can get all that by becoming a SUPERSPONSOR!!!
Now, you could become a supersponsor by paying a paltry $160, or...
...YOU COULD BECOME ONE FOR FREE! And here's how...!
Anthrocon is once again looking for talented artists and writers to provide us with material for our convention book. Our conbook offers a fantastic forum for artists and writers to showcase their talents to their peers. Just to encourage those who might be a little shy, we will randomly pick the name of one artist and one writer from among all of those who submitted qualifying work for the conbook. Those picked will be awarded a FREE SUPERSPONSORSHIP to Anthrocon 2004!
Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2004. For each piece that is submitted (in the proper format and with the proper release forms included) to the conbook, one entry will be placed into Uncle Kage's black hat (remember that one? "Yes, this appears to be the message Mr. Giordano wishes to convey"). On May 7, 2004, one entry will be drawn from the art submissions, and an additional one from the story submissions. The winner will be notified by email.
Send 20 sketches, and you get 20 chances to win! Any submission that is received and complies with the conbook submission guidelines will qualify for an entry, whether it is used in the conbook or not.
For full the conbook submission guidelines, send an email to and our friendly robot autoresponder will send you the information instantly.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Anthrocon Press Services

About the author
Xydexx Unicorn — read stories — contact (login required)an eccentric and inflatable unicorn from Hudson Highlands, NY, interested in recumbent bicycling
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