Giant rats allegedly spread disease, save lives
Posted by Mistletoe (Wendy Oster) on Wed 6 Aug 2003 - 08:17
The public image of the African (or Gambian) pouched rat has taken a drastic swing for the better. Recently blamed for the spread of monkeypox in Midwestern America, the exotic rats have been trained to locate landmines by sniffing for dynamite. They're said to be more effective than dogs since they have a better sense of smell, they're too light to set off the mines, and they are easier and less expensive to maintain. The rats will soon aid the hunt for unexploded mines in war-torn Mozambique, where they will potentially save many lives.

About the author
Mistletoe (Wendy Oster) — read stories — contact (login required)a student from Wisconsin (SE), interested in general furry, anime, outdoors and socializing
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