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Ursa Major Awards discussions

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Are you interested in promoting quality in the fandom?

Is there an artist, a writer, a comic book, a movie, a cartoon show or a fanzine you feel deserving of recognition?

Then the Ursa Major Awards are for you! The Ursa Major Awards are presented each year to recognize the best in Anthropomorphic Art & Literature for the previous year. The first two annual awards were presented at ConFurence 2002 and ConFerence 2003; next year's awards will be presented at C*ACE 2004 in Ottawa on June 4-6. The winners in each category are chosen by YOU the fans.

However, for the awards to continue and be truly meaningful they need YOUR participation. An e-mail discussion group has been formed to consider changes in the rules, the administration and the voting for the awards. The aim is to expand the voting base for the awards so they will truly reflect 'the choice of the fandom' rather than any single convention. Interested in taking part and supporting an annual recognition of the Best in Furrydom? Then please contact:

Fred Patten
11863 West Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90230-6322


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