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Free CF Memberships for Homesteaders

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The ConFurence Group is proud to announce The Furry West Homestead Act of CF2003.

In keeping with ConFurence 2003's "The Furry West" theme, people who stake their land claim early (ie: reserve a hotel room for ConFurence by February 15, 2003) can get free memberships to the convention for themselves and up to 3 of their roomates.Full details are online at ConFurence.Net as well as details of other events hosted by The ConFurence Group.

ConFurence 2003: "The Furry West" takes place April 25-27 at the Hilton Burbank Airport and Convention Center in sunny Burbank, Californee. This will be our 15th Annual Anthropomorphic Convention and Exhibition.

Standard rooms at the Hilton are $102 per night, plus taxes, for one or two persons.

Junior Suites are $135 per night, plus tax, for one or two persons.

Third and 4th presons in each room are an additional $20 per night.

To make your reservations online, use the Hilton's 3-letter Group Code of "COC" to get the correct rates for our convention.

Yee-hah, PAWdners!


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About the author

darrelx (Darrel L. Exline)read storiescontact (login required)

a courtroom technology specialist from Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA, interested in polar bears, and furry fandom of course.

Owner / Director, The ConFurence Group, promoting anthropomorphic fandom-realted events since 1999. Chairman: ConFurence 2003; Dealer''s Room Lead: Conjecture (October in San Diego), Fan Tables at LosCon 29 (Burbank, Nov. 2002)