Tailsmith Website Update
Posted by Crassus on Tue 15 Oct 2002 - 08:32
Hey guys.. eeeeeevil evil shameless plug!
Well, ok, maybe not that evil, but I finally updated the Tailsmith website. I added a couple new sections in there with some new tips on caring for tails, plus extended information on fur anatomy and glossary, and link to the FurryTails mailing list on Yahoo! Groups I created for the general interest, and for others who're into wearing and making tails.Things coming soon tp Tailsmith:
- Paws, including retractable claws for felines
- Ears, all-fabric, cast and mold rubber appliances, either ready-made or custom cast, using berrets or hats for placement (or both)
- Animatronic Tails.... getting closer.
- Fursuits, plans are in the works...

About the author
Crassus — read stories — contact (login required)a web designer from Southern California, interested in furries, tail designing, art, music and sociology
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