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Furnal Equinox brings thaw to Canadian event schedule

Edited as of Sun 24 Jul 2011 - 22:31
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Drumming up a con
Photos by Pyat (more)

Canadian convention Furnal Equinox has begun in style, attracting 330 attendees to Toronto in its first year.

The event is the first hotel-based furry con in the Eastern provinces since 2007. After the closure of C-ACE and the failure of Anthrofest to find a suitable venue, only long-running camping con Feral! and British Columbia's one-night Howloween remained.

The two-day, non-stop schedule included 24-hour gaming, reflections on the history of the fandom, and dancing until 6AM. At least 36 fursuiters participated in the parade, and a variety of dealers and foreign observers were present.

See more: Photos, videos and con reports


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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)read storiescontact (login required)

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