Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con raises $7000 for wildlife rescue
Oklahoma's first three-day hotel furry convention, Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con (TTFC), has a lot to celebrate after their inaugural convention – themed as "Taking Oklahoma by Storm", and focusing on local furs and their experiences of wild weather.
The convention, held August 30-September 1 at the Southern Hills Marriott in Tulsa, OK, has been in the works for over a year, after organizers saw increased attendance at local meets, such as a furry bowling event.
TTFC's mission is to produce events with educational value surrounding the topic of anthropomorphic arts – and to raise awareness of local wildlife rescue organizations, such as their current charity, Safari's Sanctuary, based in Broken Arrow, OK.
TTFC 2019 hosted at least 507 attendees and 86 fursuiters, and raised $7000 for their charity. Chair Peace Wolf lead a team of sixty staff and advisors, working with TTFC's first two Guests of Honor, Stormi the Folf (of Mississippi) and Citrinelle (Texas).
Based on attendance, TTFC is currently the 46th largest furry convention globally. Next year's TTFC is to be held September 4-6, 2020, with the theme "Rawring 20's" — Guest of Honour and event details will be listed on the convention's website, once available.

About the author
Koori Kitty — read stories — contact (login required)an IT manager and Tiger from Tulsa, OK, interested in djing, it, travel and art
I remember when fifteen years ago, 500 attendees would be a top-5 furry convention. Now, it barely rates top-50… the mind boggles!
Still, quite an achievement for a first year in a crowded North American market. And AnthroExpo in January? We live in exciting times.
Thank Koori for getting that one written, I always feel bad that I haven't done any articles lately, it's that busy time of year again.
Don't worry - you can get other people to write them. Then it's just a simple matter of editing. Piece of cake, right? ;-)
We are so excited to be a part of the convention realm in North America. We look forward to many years of growth and fun!
Great Job all of you! MFF only had around 470 the first year. We knew we could do it, but that little doubt at the back of one's mind was like "What if we do all this work and nobody shows up?" I bet the staff meeting where you found out you'd hit your room block was a happy one. Enjoy things now. There are things you can do as a smaller convention that just don't scale well if you start growing past a certain point. If things work and I can, I may go next year.
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