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Furries in Calgary, AB, Canada?

Furry Reddit - Tue 29 Sep 2015 - 00:18

I'm just looking to chat with some furries in, or near Calgary. Maybe message me your Skype =)

submitted by noobiefurry
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Categories: News

Headphone Seraph

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 23:43
Categories: News

Any military furs out there?

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 20:32

Hello! So I am in the Army, and I was kinda curious to see how many military furs were out there. Feel free to leave a comment of your branch of service if you want to, or just say hi!

submitted by Laceldas
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Categories: News

[OC] I love foxes and scarves

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 18:23
Categories: News

FARR for /u/CanineAmericans

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 17:25
Categories: News

An update on the state of the weekly Art Prompts, and a short hiatus

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 16:29

Hey guys! I'll try to keep this short since I'm going through some RL stuff right now and I've also just started university, so I've been crazy busy for the past week.

The Art Prompts have been going on for 14 weeks in a row, and tonight is meant to be number 15. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. I've noticed that participation has gone down quite a bit in the past few weeks - Probably a combination of me being short on ideas, general burnout, and the novelty of something cool wearing off.

Anyway, I'm going to put this thing on ice for a month and then come back for a super cool one, 4 weeks from today. After this next one, I'll take a look at the activity and see how everyone feels after a month of rest, and then consider how to proceed from there.

See you all on the 26th of October!

submitted by CeresSergal
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 11

TigerTails Radio - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 16:25
Categories: Podcasts

Kes ~ SalKitten

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 16:12
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 16:08

Has anyone here tried Furcadia? If you have is it worth checking out? Do people still play? I need a social furry game and SL looks kinda dead. :(

submitted by KriegVonBeck
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Categories: News

Modern Relaxation

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 15:39
Categories: News

Remembered one thing that was quite funny for me...

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 15:23

So,at some point,someone mentioned furries in class,being okay and very welcoming.The teacher said this:

"Furries are too welcoming because they want to make all men gay and make all women prostitutes."

I was like,trying not to laugh when I heard this,and me being on the front row,it was not easy to try and hide it,let alone getting away with it.

I do not know,I just heard that,and found it quite funny that someone actually told that.I only heard up till now:

"Furries wear their fetish suits out in public and are pedophiles"

"Furries are autistic people."

"Furries are mentally fucked people"

and one that I kept laughing at:

"Furries are social rejects that they think they are animals"

but that one that the teacher told kinda hit me,maybe because I did not really hear it anywhere else.

That is my story.

On other news,another teacher knew I was working in a game and asked me to present the progress of the game if possible.He did not force me,but I was like: "Yeah,I would,but....I may have to rewrite the game a bit,if not completely"He asked me why,and I told him the truth:"One gameplay element was added,and some will be removed,so the story will have to be rewritten".He was like:"Wat?"That is about it.Bye Bye ^ ^ ;

submitted by TheoDaRulah
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Categories: News

JackRabbit Parole- an animation by me

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 15:09
Categories: News

Infinite Skateboard

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Sep 2015 - 14:48
Categories: News