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Owl God

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 13:43
Categories: News

how did you come up with you name?

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 12:21
  • I was just wondering if your sona had a story behind its name, like, is it named after a mythological character, a special person, or a literary character etc. personally, this is my story:
  • so last night I couldn't sleep and decided to look through my encyclopedia of mythical creatures that has been sitting on my bookshelf for years. I flipped to a random page, and it happened to be a huge, 2 page entry about foxes. As an established fox, I was intrigued. As i read they mentioned a character from medieval european folklore called Reynard the Fox. I then flipped to the specific entry about Reynard, and found out that he was a popular character, written to satirize the Monks. This of course delighted me as I love satire and comedy, thus I named myself Reynard.
submitted by iizepic128
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Categories: News

Pearled Wolf Creations - Album on Imgur

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 12:07
Categories: News

New furry here. Some questions.

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 09:59

So yeh, as the title states, I'm a new initiate to everything furry.

My friend, who is also a furry, suggested I come here for guidance/input.

My main questions I wanna ask are:

  • What is a fursona, and how do I make one?

  • Roleplay? Furry roleplay? :0

  • Making more fuzzy friends?

Those are all the questions I can come up with, for now. :3

submitted by Polewhack
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Categories: News

12-Year-Old Fursuiter Needs Advice on Where to Fursuit

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 07:57
Author: Papabear, Ever since I was introduced to the furry fandom by a friend in 3rd grade, I loved the idea of going fursuiting, making fursuit videos, making fursuits. Fursuits in general have always amazed me! I recently started making a fursuit (that I am very happy with so far!), and I was thinking about … … Continue reading →
Categories: News

I've experienced something I've never been brave enough to do before, and I really wish I had sooner.

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 07:52

So, I'm kinda shy. I play ALOT of videogames, most online but I could never gain the courage to use a mic and talk. Kinda always afraid of how other people might respond or something I don't know. a few days ago I was just messing around with the "people you may know" section on PS4 and came across a few other furries, and deciding to break out of this shy bubble I added them. Who else to play games with than people you can relate to? Well after a few games of Bf:Hardline I started talking and getting to know everyone and I really opened up. It felt awesome. Now I really don't have a problem and I play with them and new people almost daily! So in a way the Fandom kinda helped me with my social issues and I couldn't be happier

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Found this beutiful mug at the store.

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 07:41
Categories: News

I want to see the people behind the fursonas. Post a picture of you and a picture/description of your fursona(s)

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 06:02

Now how can I expect you furs to come out amid post these things if I don't do it first?

Last image is a clean ref sheet. So naked with no naughty bits. Now let me see those beautiful faces.

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

Psst! Hey, you, Mr./Ms. Practicing Artist Fur...

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 01:54

So.. There's this girl that I'm trying to date. I know she likes me back and we decided to date when I moved back there. But since I didn't want her to wait for somebody she thought was weird, I told her straight away that I was a furry. She thought it made me cuter (awesome) so today, I got surgery and I've been.. Relaxed.. With painkillers the doc gave me and I was super confident telling her about my characters and stuff. Then I had an idea to see if she wanted to make one! And we spent the last few hours creating Vera! A short arctic fox! We were both gonna try drawing her but neither of us are very good. Regardless we wanted to practice. But I was thinking, if somebody wanted to practice as well, I'd really like it of I could surprise her with a good one to kick off her furry career.

Unfortunately, I don't have much for cash right now so I won't be able to pay anybody. But if you want to practice, here's a good character you can draw! And you'd be helping me make this girl happy if you did.

This is Vera (Alex's character)

Female Arctic Fox 4' 1" White body, fade to dark blue on her fingertips and foot paws. The fur on her stomach and chest is white, while her back fades to light blue. A few white spots are noticeable on her back as well as on her face, which are blue on white fur. Her ears are big with blue on the back and white fluff on the inside. This helps with her hearing. Her eyes are purple and she has a shorter nose and small head in general, in proportion to her ears. She has two katana swords crossed on her back, the grips have a blue and white cross pattern while the sheaths are white.

Remember I'm not looking for anything special, just a quick sketch, you don't even have to colour it. If nobody wants to draw it, I would still appreciate some notes on how to make her better. We had a lot of fun creating Vera and Alex is stuck creating a background for her.

TL/DR = Just looking for a free sketch for a girl I'm trying to get to like furries. Or even just notes on how to make her better.

(Sure hope I did that TL/DR thing right)

submitted by TheLonelyGecko
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Categories: News

Fursuit Friday?

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Mar 2015 - 00:11

I've seen many fursuiting images submitted, both here and elsewhere, with references to "Fursuit Friday." My question: Is there some unwritten rule that fursuit images only be submitted on Fridays? I don't have much in the way of fursuit pictures to post yet, but if I did, would submitting them on a day other than Friday be frowned upon?

submitted by OutsiderWolf
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Categories: News

So I had an interesting turn of events.

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 23:25

I told my mother that I was into furry content yesterday and she took it surprisingly well. The reason I told her was because I wanted to go to Anthrocon this summer and needed her help with planning it. Today I was able to buy the Supersponsor Membership thing and she even made arrangements for me to be able to use the family RV because all the hotels are either booked or too expensive.

TLDR: I told my mother I am a furry and now she is helping me with my trip to Anthrocon.

submitted by jfmherokiller
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Categories: News

Fox in Business Suit Levitating

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 23:23
Categories: News