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Nerdy news and lefty views, furry style.
Updated: 3 hours 36 min ago

Episode 553 - The 7 Fingered Furry - This week, Savrin and Fuzz hang out all cozy like and discuss the pressing matters of the day- Anthrocon quickly pivoting on their art show rules and musical cats speaking for the dead. And con stuff. Then Savrin talks

Mon 4 Mar 2024 - 16:43

This week, Savrin and Fuzz hang out all cozy like and discuss the pressing matters of the day- Anthrocon quickly pivoting on their art show rules and musical cats speaking for the dead. And con stuff. Then Savrin talks about some shows they've watched and tries to vaguely discuss what the heck is going on in FF7 remake.

Outro music by FASSounds from Pixabay

Intro music by Brentin Davis from Pixabay

Vintage Furry Content: "I'm not going to post this kind of thing often, but... Pro tip : It's generally seen as horribly insensitive and trashy by polite society to name drop a recently deceased person to win points in a petty internet argument." — Bluesky (

Anthrocon, Inc.: "After hearing our attendees and artists loud and clear, we have revisited the Art Show policy to bring it in line with the feedback we’ve received. Our update can be found attached. We want to be clear: AI-generated artwork is NOT supported nor allowed at Anthrocon." — Bluesky (

Flamin' Hot Cheetos Are Sending Kids to the Emergency Room | City of Ate | Dallas | Dallas Observer | The Leading Independent News Source in Dallas, Texas

Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

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Episode 553 - The 7 Fingered Furry - This week, Savrin and Fuzz hang out all cozy like and discuss the pressing matters of the day- Anthrocon quickly pivoting on their art show rules and musical cats speaking for the dead. And con stuff. Then Savrin talks
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 549 - Crab Rave - Two old dogs yap at clouds! Fuzz and Savrin go over the new stuff coming to MFF, fake book fairs send fake woman to tell a fake story about a kiss giving her the extremely fake ailment of 'porn addiction', Patreon throws some fur

Fri 1 Dec 2023 - 12:57

Two old dogs yap at clouds! Fuzz and Savrin go over the new stuff coming to MFF, fake book fairs send fake woman to tell a fake story about a kiss giving her the extremely fake ailment of 'porn addiction', Patreon throws some furries under the bus, and Elon makes a major public ass of himself for the 9000th time. Also, the show Fuzz was referring to at the very end is Vox Machina, the Critical Role animated show on Netflix that got renewed for a second season.

Mysterious woman tells school board that Scholastic book sparked porn addiction (
Rude Tales of Magic
Skulltenders: A DnD Comedy/Horror Podcast

Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

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Episode 549 - Crab Rave - Two old dogs yap at clouds! Fuzz and Savrin go over the new stuff coming to MFF, fake book fairs send fake woman to tell a fake story about a kiss giving her the extremely fake ailment of 'porn addiction', Patreon throws some fur
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 538 - Something Has To Be Said - We open this episode with an important statement from the Vaporeon Booster Club. It just had to be said. This week is fun, we have furry stuff to start, with cons making themselves into jokes, other cons clowning o

Mon 12 Jun 2023 - 20:32

We open this episode with an important statement from the Vaporeon Booster Club. It just had to be said. This week is fun, we have furry stuff to start, with cons making themselves into jokes, other cons clowning on them, and one blipping from existence. Then RL rears its head and there's dead dudes and consequences(?)

Also, Marisa is Strongsexual.

Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon
Telegrammmmmm -

Episode 538 - Something Has To Be Said - We open this episode with an important statement from the Vaporeon Booster Club. It just had to be said. This week is fun, we have furry stuff to start, with cons making themselves into jokes, other cons clowning o
Categories: Podcasts